Just finished watching TLJ with my son and holy smokes that movie not only improves after each viewing it?s definitely on par with TROS at times, better than TROS at times and worse than TROS at times but one thing is certain both are better than TFA.
Another thing is certain I can EASILY sit thru them because they actually feel like real movies unlike the herculean effort it takes to sit thru those 8th grade level PT productions.
I didn?t even roll my eyes at Canto this time out lol
I like it when Luke tells Leia that no one is really ever gone then places Han’s dice in her hand.setting up his return.
I never look forward to watching TLJ but when i do watch it I am always surprised at how quickly goes by and how entertained I am by half the film.
It's better made then TFA but I like TFA better because no Haldo or Rose.
And I will always role my eyes at Canto Bight

I have not seen the ST nearly as many times as i have watched the PT so while I agree it feels more like a chore to watch most of the PT.. The ST has an unfair advantage right now.