The opening scene, boarding Tantive IV.
Maybe its because I am use to it.. I see no problem with this scene.. Like at all. Its so fast cut and full speed. IDK.. Its perfectly fine to me. Never heard anyone complain about that.
Y’all thought freakin Yoda wouldn’t be a master with a saber?![]()
Nope and if you were alive when all the OT came out you would not have either.
I said it before.. I use to draw pics of yoda with a saber and flying X-wing fighters as a kid.. and my best friend and I would laugh at the idea

The problem with Jedi is it can range from being cool, to dumb and stupid. Their abilities can range from jumping many stories, running 10x the speed of a normal person, alter the minds of those around them at will, convert themselves to a walking ghost, healing injuries and shooting lightning that could cover a continent.
When its grounded and they feel more like Knights with some cool powers, its can be fun and powerful. When it is played up it gets campy or downright silly. Which is fine, but it can get a little awkward to give them a proper villain, which is why the ST was stuck in a loop of having to have a Sith Mastermind, because they are the only real threat for a Jedi.
Agreed 100%.
The original OT they were just knights with some special powers that would help them move things, sense things, and use mind powers over dumb people. When they died they were rewarded in the afterlife.
PT took it too another level. Like someone stated, it took it too cartoon levels.
Its too bad George just didnt slow down a little and worry more about the relationships in the PT and less about all the cool stuff he could do with the CGI. I wish he went back to his old notes and stuck with those ideas.