**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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Guys I teared up when Vader's voice was changing between Hayden and James.

Legit man tears.
I did get a bit emotional when Vader and Obi-Wan were talking. Straight to the feels. I never usually get emotional over movies/TV.

Controversial opinion but they should replace Sebastian Shaw completely in ROTJ with Hayden and I’m not sorry for saying it :lol.
I did get a bit emotional when Vader and Obi-Wan were talking. Straight to the feels. I never usually get emotional over movies/TV.

Controversial opinion but they should replace Sebastian Shaw completely in ROTJ with Hayden and I’m not sorry for saying it :lol.
Lucas would probably do it now.
Just a few thoughts, stylistically this felt a lot more like an epilogue to ROTS rather than a bridge to ANH. I wish the Reva angle was omitted entirely. I feel like they had an OK idea for the first and last episode, but had to figure out the middle, which was a drag but I think the prequel and sequel trilogies had the same problem.

If I were reviewing just episodes 1-5 this would only be 3 out of 5, but I think 4/5 is what I would give the series overall mostly because of the cameo but that should have been in the 1st episode as well.

I hope I'm wrong but now I think disney is setting up a reboot of ANH down the road.
Didn't it explain in one of the episodes that he could never manifest because he hadn't learned it before he died? Have I remembered it wrong?
Didn't it explain in one of the episodes that he could never manifest because he hadn't learned it before he died? Have I remembered it wrong?
He said to Yoda that he couldn't complete the training, but it's possible that Yoda taught Qui-Gon the remaining teachings during this time? We'll probably never know.
Great finale.. there ..I said it

Chow ..great example of not how you start..it’s how you finish

Unfortunate BOBF is still the worst D+ SW series so far
Not seen this one yet but sounds like it ends on a better episode. That won't make up for the 5 meh episodes that precede the finale though.
The stuff that really bugs me about this show though, is how cheap and low quality everything looks. How poorly directed the action is. One of the reasons I haven't been able to switch off my brain and enjoy, is because the directing, especially the action scenes.
The whole thing is just horrible look at.
Really didn’t vibe with this finale at all until
the final 5 or so minutes, and I think I realise why.

That’s the story I wanted. Not this ‘Leia rescue/facing Vader again including inquisitors’ plot which barely holds up. My favourite parts were those grounded moments on Tatooine of Obi-Wan being broken and being built up again at the end. A character journey that absolutely could have taken place on Tatooine while watching over Luke.

It’s disappointing for me in the end. The writers manipulated legacy characters in ways that do not work in unison with A New Hope imo. Please send Star Wars stories into the far future or into the far past if you can’t even maintain consistency with the original Star Wars movie.
Really didn’t vibe with this finale at all until
the final 5 or so minutes, and I think I realise why.

That’s the story I wanted. Not this ‘Leia rescue/facing Vader again including inquisitors’ plot which barely holds up. My favourite parts were those grounded moments on Tatooine of Obi-Wan being broken and being built up again at the end. A character journey that absolutely could have taken place on Tatooine while watching over Luke.

It’s disappointing for me in the end. The writers manipulated legacy characters in ways that do not work in unison with A New Hope imo. Please send Star Wars stories into the far future or into the far past if you can’t even maintain consistency with the original Star Wars movie.

Yeah. Alongside the cheapness and bad directing, the other major issue I had was the story. It just wasn't a story I had any interest in.
Rescuing Leia, the Inquisitors. Don't care.
I understand why they went with PTSD Obi-Wan and his rustiness etc, it just wasn't something I was particularly interested in seeing.
He obviously gets his edge back, his mojo, in this final episode.
We had 5 episodes of bumbling Kenobi, I assume in the final he becomes the Kenobi we know.
How does that happen? Does he have a moment, a sudden epiphany and suddenly he's competent again?
This episode started badly for me. I just can't get over how Reva got back to Tatooine. She could barely crawl at the end of the last episode. A lot of logical stuff here is broken.

There's also a starship chase to rival that of TLJ. :lol

It all pulled through IMO towards the end though. Vader and Kenobi's final conversation was good. Canon was not broken.
Really didn’t vibe with this finale at all until
the final 5 or so minutes, and I think I realise why.

That’s the story I wanted. Not this ‘Leia rescue/facing Vader again including inquisitors’ plot which barely holds up. My favourite parts were those grounded moments on Tatooine of Obi-Wan being broken and being built up again at the end. A character journey that absolutely could have taken place on Tatooine while watching over Luke.

It’s disappointing for me in the end. The writers manipulated legacy characters in ways that do not work in unison with A New Hope imo. Please send Star Wars stories into the far future or into the far past if you can’t even maintain consistency with the original Star Wars movie.
The Good :

No interaction between Leia, Vader and Luke
as it should be for the continuity of ANH of them not recognizing each other for Leia’s rescue in ANH

Closure..if they do another season ..fine but if they don’t ..it ended the perfect way that we don’t have to see more

Qui Gon!

Anakin realizing he failed even as Vader

Owen and Buru know how to fight ..so age had to be a factor on how they died in ANH

Reva did not die , so they can easily bring her back in the future

The Bad : Inquistors..did not need them in this series at all. Waste of time

Grand Inquistor ..amounted to nothing in the show

Don’t get the whole Leia and liking blasters concept ..I. Can only assume it paves the way that Leia becomes a good marksman and knows how to use blasters well

At 10 years old..Luke would remember Obi Wan having met him already

Palapatine looked horrible , not even scary at all , bad make up job for Ian
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