1/6 BvS: Dawn of Justice - Armored Batman (2.0) (Deluxe Version)

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I don't have any issues (visually or physically) with my Robocop that has "some dicast" in it.

Looks fine. Feels fine. Personally, I'm not sure why dicast is being used at all besides a reason to market it for justification of a higher price point. 🤷

If the entire figure were dicast, that's something. But it isn't.
Iron man and Threezero transformers are full diecast only
Iron man and Threezero transformers are full diecast only
So how do I interpret that lol

By price, I guess?

Seems to me that any version of a character that is heavily covered in armor is gonna get the "semi-dicast" treatment, thus making it pointless.

Either make the entire suit dicast or don't use it at all. I see no logical reason to make only some of the armor dicast beyond marketing purposes.
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So how do I interpret that lol

By price, I guess?

Seems to me that any version of a character that is heavily covered in armor is gonna get the "semi-dicast" treatment, thus making it pointless.

Either make the entire suit dicast or don't use it at all. I see no logical reason to make only some of the armor dicast beyond marketing purposes.
Yes. Iron man figures are costly and higher quality too.

Base version is 300usd just like normal batman figures. Even if it's for marketing purpose, I am saying why complain when they are giving it? People complain when they use cheap materials, people complain when they use better materials and increase the cost which they are supposed to do. People complain when they give semi-diecast for the same price.
Yes. Iron man figures are costly and higher quality too.

Base version is 300usd just like normal batman figures. Even if it's for marketing purpose, I am saying why complain when they are giving it? People complain when they use cheap materials, people complain when they use better materials and increase the cost which they are supposed to do. People complain when they give semi-diecast for the same price.
You make a great point about complainers of cheaper materials.

Fair argument here completely. I still don't understand the the idea of going only semi-dicast. It's plastic or dicast. This in-between **** screams marketing gimic/production cost saving.

There's no reason in the world for Robocop to be semi-dicast. I, as the consumer gain nothing from that expect an increase in shipment weight.

It could have been completely plastic. I'd of loved it just the same. Contrary to this, I'd have gladly fist bumped them for a 100% full dicast figure.

The semi-dicast **** is worthless imo.
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You make a great point about complainers of cheaper materials.

Fair argument here completely. I still don't understand the the idea of going only semi-dicast. It's plastic or dicast. This in-between **** screams marketing gimic/production cost saving.

There's no reason in the world for Robocop to be semi-dicast. I, as the consumer gain nothing from that expect an increase in shipment weight.

It could have been completely plastic. I'd of loved it just the same. Contrary to this, I'd have gladly fist bumped them for a 100% full dicast figure.

The semi-dicast **** is worthless imo.
Yes agreed. It should have been full diecast. But the price would have been 450 for the deluxe. No one would be paying that for a reissue. That’s why they settled with this gimmick of using little diecast. I am happy with any material as long as they are not pleather
Given InArts use of real wood and metal on the Joker diorama I'm expecting their armored bat's to have a lot of diecast.
There's a reason why they are costly compared to normal plastic figures. But yeah if you don't want the extra quality for the money you are paying, then it's absolutely fine.

I don't do bench press with it. It just gives a better feel while posing and taking photos of the figure.
I don’t really see using diecast parts as adding value to a figure, especially when those pieces are completely painted.

Using metal for practical purposes like to make sturdier joints or increase weight in the lower legs and feet to prevent a larger figure from toppling, even to make certain items less fragile like swords or the BVS Kryptonite spear- all seem much more valid than just throwing a few random sections into an Iron Man just because the character is metal.

Heavy does make us think ‘more’ and more must = better but I’d trade that illusionary fallacy of higher quality for a quality paint job, a more reasonably priced figure, and much cheaper shipping.

Would HT’s AOTC C3PO look less accurate or be a worse, lower quality figure if he had no diecast? I don’t think so; he’d just feel lighter and cost less.

All that being said, for some reason, I still like the idea of an all diecast Armored Batman. But I really think the only appeal of diecast in most instances is simply that we perceive it as being cool over it actually being a superior material for its intended purpose.
I will say I like some extra weight if I’m holding a Marvel Select Hulk or Juggernaut, but I don’t handle my 1/6 figures very often. I’m more than happy with them simply looking good.
Diecast is actually cheaper than plastic. Both as a material and to manufacture.

Robocop is a joke. No reason that figure couldn’t have been $250 (every version). Instead, Hot Toys uses Diecast as a gimmick to bump up the price. “Oooooh it’s heavier”, too bad the socket joints are made out of the cheapest, clear plastic known to man.

Hot Toys doesn’t make durable figures. They’re garbage.
Diecast is actually cheaper than plastic. Both as a material and to manufacture.

Robocop is a joke. No reason that figure couldn’t have been $250 (every version). Instead, Hot Toys uses Diecast as a gimmick to bump up the price. “Oooooh it’s heavier”, too bad the socket joints are made out of the cheapest, clear plastic known to man.

Hot Toys doesn’t make durable figures. They’re garbage.
If diecast were cheaper we'd have full dicast figures where applicable. Plain and simple.

Show me proofs that dicast is cheaper than plastic regarding building Hot Toys.
A full diecast figure is just not practical and if I recall correctly, it was mentioned that you cannot get fine crisp details using diecast. I can imagine joints on a bigger figure will collapse under its own weight.
Robocop is a joke. No reason that figure couldn’t have been $250 (every version). Instead, Hot Toys uses Diecast as a gimmick to bump up the price. “Oooooh it’s heavier”, too bad the socket joints are made out of the cheapest, clear plastic known to man.

As I have recently experienced for myself. A head socket just broke on its own at some point, no handling even required. I now assume all my Robocops will break at their joints.

I haven't yet bought the Robocop 3 figure. Not sure if I will.
If diecast were cheaper we'd have full dicast figures where applicable. Plain and simple.

Show me proofs that dicast is cheaper than plastic regarding building Hot Toys.
If you did an entire figure in Diecast, yeah, the molding process would be more expensive than plastic. Think the chassis of a model car. It’s one of the reasons Hot Wheels, Matchbox etc use diecast over plastic (in addition to needing weight to make them go down on tracks). That’s not what Hot Toys does though. The way Hot Toys does it, it’s diecast plating. It’s never even a whole limb, it’s a section. Case in point, this Armored Batman. It’s just plates that are part of the costume and it’s not even every plate of armor he has, which would make sense. They’re very cheap. The sculpt never comes out as crisp and detailed had it been plastic. Looking forward to the comparisons of the original Battle Damaged Batman to this new 2.0, especially in the chest and shoulder area.

It’s just a gimmick to give their toys perceived “value”. OHHHH this figure is a little heavier and made out of METAL, that means it’s better made! Should be more expensive! Collectors fall for it hook, line and sinker. They’ve been doing that with Iron Man since the beginning. Their very first Darth Vader (which is a simple character to make with a basic costume and no likeness rights) was $300 right out of the gate because it had an electronic talking feature. It was horrible. Nobody used that feature and it wasn’t easily accessible. Every subsequent Vader since has dropped it completely.

The Battle Damaged Murphy Robocop is all plastic, but it’s superior to the 1.0 and Robocop 3 2.0 in every way. AND its sockets aren’t breaking down. Go figure.

As I have recently experienced for myself. A head socket just broke on its own at some point, no handling even required. I now assume all my Robocops will break at their joints.

I haven't yet bought the Robocop 3 figure. Not sure if I will.

Happens to every single one. Nobody talks about it in that Robocop 3 thread because it’s relatively new, but it’s going to happen. Just like the rubber dome on the ED 2.0.

To me, that’s just too off putting to plop down $400-$500 for. The price from the get go was ridiculous, but to have a figure that will eventually break down when we don’t even pose it and take care of it? Nah, I’m good. It’s sold out/wait listed everywhere anyway so there isn’t even a temptation to get it. Glad Hot Toys and Sideshow are finally making small edition sizes as to not get stuck with unsold, clearanced product for their chintzy ass figures.
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Preorder him a few days after it went up. I never got one so this is great for those who passed on it before. Just need that 2.0 Knightmare Batman and Superman 2.0 and wonder woman to at least have the BvS shelf.
Preorder him a few days after it went up. I never got one so this is great for those who passed on it before. Just need that 2.0 Knightmare Batman and Superman 2.0 and wonder woman to at least have the BvS shelf.
Not getting the Inart superman? With their speed this figure might release before the inart superman or release simultaneously. Also it’s mostly like we get a reissue every 3-4 months once. So it will be some wait till you get your hands on 2.0 superman. For Wonderwoman, hope HT perfects Gal Gadot sculpt, cause other things are great. Inart is atleast 3-4 years away. They are just now testing on seamless bodies.

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