Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I am still on the fence. I don't know if I liked it or not?????????

I wish I was on the fence. No... I was one of the only people that I know that nearly hated the new film. I'm cursed.

The fact that the new movie purposes that Sulu, Chekov and Uhura have logged in more space time on a starship than Kirk is indefensable. :horror:horror:horror

Oooooh sorry... don't get me started on that film. My theater had that blasted film for nearly two months! :banghead:banghead:banghead

And no the film will not be added to my DVD library. :rolleyes:
My theater had that blasted film for nearly two months! :banghead:banghead:banghead

Crimson and Clover,
Over and Over

The Sweet Ode
of a loyal Projectionist.

KFOG, Angel, the items are in route.

Hi Jessica. :mexwave

Dr.Z - Those shots are excellent, thank you very much. I agree with Angel, it would be great to see them peering through that hole in your Forbidden Zone Jail.

It would be cool to get an extra Ursus and dress him up in SS' brown outfit as well. Ursus' helmet also looks to have a great amount of detail. These guys should be fun.
Who says that Landon was Lobotomised? He has the scar yes, Taylor has what the good Doctor told him about Landon, Yes! What is to say that this whole ordeal was nothing but a ploy to make everyone think that Landon was Lobotomised, when in true reality that Dr. Zauis made a threat to Landon that if He made it aware that He could speak and could think that they would immediately kill his commander and friend George Taylor. Let's just say that Dr. Zauis was using Landon for his knowledge and would later plan to kill him after receiving this knowledge. All along realizing this, Landon escapes and then the story roles from there. Who says that Landon did not get help from Milo, Cornelius, and Zira to escape and then show them how to operate the ship. Who's to say that Landon was not actually in the Icarus and that it was never revealed and kept secret by our goverment in "Escape". Who says that they don't use Landon with the help of other Astronauts go back to the Planet of the Apes at the same time period as before and keep the events from happening that lead to their capture?:monkey1

He was lobotomized... It's a fact, Kfog... buy it... you'll sleep better...
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Like I said, pal... I don't even know what I'm talking about but there are many ways Landon's story may play out. It definately will not be from his point of view from behind bars.

Oh and I'm so glad you like my ideas.

I just wish that there was someway to bring it to the silver screen with remade sets original make-up and actors to recreate the rolls of the original. It's kind of like a betweenquel. A sequel between the original and it's original sequel.

I think I've made up a new word!

Hell yes Jungle, I love your idea(s) on this! I've read your posts over at least 4 times already related to all this! I'm just really pumped for this new story to arrive from Landons point of view. (And let's not forget the magnificent picture's that'll be in the new book by all these brilliant artists.) :angelsmil
Cool ideas on the Conspiracy Book guys! I hope the author(s) of these 2 books are bona fide fans that are just dwelling on the many possibilities... Hopefully, the authors (and FOX) have hopes of one day turning their new story(s) into the “betweenquel”. I would certainly think FOX would be very interested in keeping their apes alive!

I have to say: Hi Jess! Hope to hear from you soon!:rock2
What characters do we use for a remake? Brad Pitt as "Taylor", Eric Bana as "Landon", Will Smith as "Dodge"?:confused:
:horror NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Did you like the new Trek movie?
:horror NOOOOOOOOO!!!! actually, it was ok sci-fi, it just WAS NOT TREK!!!
He was lobotomized... It's a fact, Kfog... buy it... you'll sleep better...


And, I will agree that Jungle and Kfog bring up some interesting points. And I can see Landon being "used" and his story ending with the lobotomy reveal. Yes, I can see how that might work. I don't see him faking the lobotomy to save Taylor. I think once we see him in the Ape city center, he's pretty much done.

Good work nonetheless, and all the way around guys!!
What characters do we use for a remake? Brad Pitt as "Taylor", Eric Bana as "Landon", Will Smith as "Dodge"?:confused:

I have to agree with Ironman (...hell just froze over), Brad Pitt as "Taylor", Eric Bana as "Landon", Will Smith as "Dodge"? I would just hate that!

I like the idea on top notch, unknown actors doing these roles... should this ever really occur.

The only sequel that I can think of (not using an original actor), that I was very impressed with, was Julianne Moore in Hannibal. Julianne did a great job on filling in as Clarice Starling.

When I saw Hannibal for the first time, I realized about half way through the flick that it wasn’t Jodie Foster. She looked very similar (to me) and carried herself in much the same way that Jodie had portrayed Clarice earlier.

I was deceived, but happily so. :)

Back to the apes Conspiracy. I would hope that the new astronaut actors (in the betweenquel) could convince me, in the way, as Julianne Moore did in Hannibal.
I just started painting the first and darkest layer on my "re-do" of Dodge. To me, he's already looking much better than my 1st version of Dodge. :)
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Angel, that Dodge looks great!! You painted the whole BBi body? by hand or spray paint? Did you seal it so it deters chipping? Very cool work! And your first Dodge was no slouch to begin with!!
Thanks Ironman - I really like the hair texture I put on him. I also adjusted his nose. It is more proportional now. I just finished applying another coat of a lighter color to lighten him up and see some highlights. Still have more to do yet.

I don't know why I painted his entire body, but yeah, I certainly did. :wacky
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Hey gang! Isn't it the Planet of the Apes Legacy collection that contains the Conquest dvd with the extra footage? I saw the 40th anniverary Blu Ray POTA collection with the conquest extra footage, but was not 100% on the other collection.:confused: