The Avengers VS The Dark Knight

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Which is the better movie?

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While I understand what you are saying when you say that the enthusiasm of some bat-fans is annoying, I will never get the logic of going against something YOU like because other people like it "too much". Even though you liked Avengers (as did I, just not as much as TDK), this kind of cheapens your vote for them, it's like a backhanded compliment. You yourself admit TDK is more your thing, but you are voting for the Avengers anyway out of spite for some bat-fans.

"Hey Avengers, I'm not really voting FOR you, I'm voting AGAINST the TDK fans." :rotfl I don't even really have a problem with it, at least you're self-aware. From the derisive tone of a lot of the posts here ("nolancompoops" etc --looking at you Nam ;)), I wouldn't be surprised at all if Avengers is getting a lot of votes "out of spite" against Nolan-fans.

Yeah, but I didn't vote out of spite, I'm not voting at all. These sort of "pick the best" poll options never sit right with me whether it be a best actor to portray the character or a best film or interpretation poll. This is due in part because I usually have multiple interests and have his level of understanding with each and every option.

I'm not going against TDK or Nolan Batman films by any means. They have had their place in my heart and I still enjoy them despite all the noise. I expressed positive feelings about the TDK in 2008 and every year after with my own reviews, discussion, merchandise, etc. I love Batman Begins even more. I don't think I need to prove that. The whole thing just burnt me out though with the constant gushing and all these pissing contests. It ain't the film, the actors, the crew, the writers or the director, it's just the fans. Not all of them obviously but there are droves upon droves that have this irrational mentality about things that just doesn't sit right with me.

I'm not even sure if I'm "right" or being logical with this view point myself. All I know is that it infuriates and bothers the living piss out of me. I know, I know, "just block them out", but it isn't that easy. It's everywhere.

It sort of serves me right though. I was a little douche drinking up all the kool aid in 2008. Practically gorging at the teet. Devilo76 can attest to this. My whole perspective on things was skewed out of an obsession with a particular film. Now I'm cynical to the whole thing and the only elements that make me feel good about this stuff is the nostalgic parts. I'm not even sure what's good anymore. What makes a great film or story? Seems the only factor that dictates this is how other people feel; the majority with "their" Rottentomatoes, IMDB polls, oscar nominations and Box office numbers. Things that, frankly, I never cared about when I was younger, or a kid, or before the internet.
Ie in the lolcat city setting :lecture

It would be a grand story, one of intrigue, mystery and lots of this:



actually is okay if Avengers is seen as better than TDK, I mean, it took Marvel to put all of their superheroes together in one movie to come close to Nolan, none of the other Marvel movies can even hold a candle to TDK, if Avengers makes more money than the bat, then good, because is likely this won't happen again for Marvel until Avengers 2 LOL :lol

Marvel movies are good, but nothing has come close to be as good as TDK,
at the same time, most of DC movies have sucked, while Nolan's bat is their only good movies, this kinda sucks, Nolan should had been put in charge of Green Lantern, and of a Wonder Woman movie
and then Nolan should write and direct this:
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Other things Nolan should be placed in charge of:

Sideshow Freaks Forum
lolcat museum
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Marvel movies are good, but nothing has come close to be as good as TDK,
at the same time, most of DC movies have sucked, while Nolan's bat is their only good movies, this kinda sucks, Nolan should had been put in charge of Green Lantern, and of a Wonder Woman movie
and then Nolan should write and direct this:

Well I absolutely disagree that TDK is better than all Marvel movies I do hope you DC fans get the movie featured in that image above one day and that it delivers for you in the same way that Avengers delivered for us.

The more the merrier!
actually is okay if Avengers is seen as better than TDK, I mean, it took Marvel to put all of their superheroes together in one movie to come close to Nolan, none of the other Marvel movies can even hold a candle to TDK, if Avengers makes more money than the bat, then good, because is likely this won't happen again for Marvel until Avengers 2 LOL :lol

Except Ironman, Thor, Captain America, and The Incredible Hulk.. :monkey1
It sort of serves me right though. I was a little douche drinking up all the kool aid in 2008. Practically gorging at the teet. Devilo76 can attest to this. My whole perspective on things was skewed out of an obsession with a particular film. Now I'm cynical to the whole thing and the only elements that make me feel good about this stuff is the nostalgic parts. I'm not even sure what's good anymore. What makes a great film or story? Seems the only factor that dictates this is how other people feel; the majority with "their" Rottentomatoes, IMDB polls, oscar nominations and Box office numbers. Things that, frankly, I never cared about when I was younger, or a kid, or before the internet.

Wow... really?

I'll never let anything ruin my enjoyment of TDK or the Nolan series in general. I still consider TDK one of my favorite films because to me it's a great film and I can enjoy it on every viewing.

How you feel about the film itself is what really counts. Don't let others "dictate" how you should feel. Enjoy it your own way... or not.

Seems you are just over-thinking things. :wink1:
Now you guys are just being silly.:lol

Not really. I'm not a comic fanboy ask Irish, Mike, Tom, etc that either know me in real life or through the board. I for as much as I like TDK and I've defended it against the hardest of the Marvel fanboys I just prefer the Marvel movies more.
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