There is a book that deals with this very subject, written by a Nueroscientist, PhD, MD, Martial Artist.
It looks like it would be an interesting read (I haven't read it yet--I've got a long Amazon queue), but most of the reviews suggest that the science behind it shows it is very...
VERY...unlikely. I think the disagreement is that some see "
VERY unlikely" , but read
"impossible", and some can see the distinction between the two.
As a self-proclaimed "Nolanite" I see what you're saying, and believe it or not, I would actually like to see a different interpretation of Batman after the Nolan series that has more fantastical elements in it, similar to B:TAS. I find it interesting that you'd mention that from [some] Nolanites point of view, your only two options are the Burton/Schumacher Batman or the Nolan gloom and doom Batman when the entire point of the argument from "Nolanites" like myself in the last few pages is that there are
not only two levels in fantasy. When we try to make a distinction between the level of fantasy involved in the Nolan universe and the level of fantasy involved in the Avengers universe, we're met with arguments that boil down to this: "Both are not real-life, therefore, both are the same level of fantasy".
By that simplified logic any reinterpretation of Batman, even one using B:TAS levels of on the same level of fantasy as the Nolan movies...which is on the same level of fantasy as the Schumacher movies...which is on the same level of fantasy as the Avengers, Superman, Clash of the Titans, Harry Potter, etc...etc.... All the same level, all on the ONLY level. To quote another poster -- Fiction is fiction, right?
Makes sense. Like a lot of people have said before me, it largely depends on which superheros you prefer. Looked at in this way, this entire poll could ignored the movies completely and have been re-worded as "Do you prefer the Batman character or the Avengers characters", and probably have a very similar result...well, except for "spite votes":
Welcome back DiFabio! While I understand what you are saying when you say that the enthusiasm of some bat-fans is annoying,
I will never get the logic of going against something YOU like because other people like it "too much". Even though you liked Avengers (as did I, just not as much as TDK), this kind of cheapens your vote for them, it's like a backhanded compliment. You yourself admit TDK is more your thing, but you are voting for the Avengers anyway
out of spite for some bat-fans.
"Hey Avengers, I'm not really voting FOR you, I'm voting AGAINST the TDK fans."

I don't even really have a problem with it, at least you're self-aware. From the derisive tone of a lot of the posts here ("nolancompoops" etc --looking at you Nam

), I wouldn't be surprised at all if Avengers is getting a lot of votes "out of spite" against Nolan-fans.