My one main beef is a SIMPLE fix: the DOME is simply too small looking. WHY is a proper sized DOME soo much of a challenge?
Gloves aren't pleather. That's paint on a really good sculpt. I was very impressed with the sculpting of them when I painted them. Very realistic texture.
For all the praise they received when the prototype of the first Vader was shown, to come back with a helmet that strongly resembles the compromised production version of the same, I think they should take it to heart.
I seem to remember it being stated by Sideshow it was all new pieces. So it's possible this is just a stand in head with repainted eyes and tusks) like some are suggesting.
Thats what it really looks like, but the question is: why not display this piece with the full reveal? Show as much 'new' to it as you can? Why cause unnecessary worry? For all the talent on the Sideshow team, they make some really dumb decisions at times....
Good call, but speaking for myself, that's a lot more forgivable on a piece that requires 100% new tooling; with a piece like Vader, people just expect that things like a helmet and dome size to be done right -especially on version 2 of the character. I mean, a Vader helmet and dome sounds easier to pull off than a full on GrievousSame reason for showing a figure off that's not even close to a functional prototype (Grievous)![]()
Good call, but speaking for myself, that's a lot more forgivable on a piece that requires 100% new tooling; with a piece like Vader, people just expect that things like a helmet and dome size to be done right -especially on version 2 of the character. I mean, a Vader helmet and dome sounds easier to pull off than a full on Grievous
Well I'm more making a statement towards putting out a representation for a figure that you don't even have a proper prototype for. Grievous had no articulation yet, he should have been a production peek, not an SDCC centerpiece, and now Vader's a 1/6 Star Wars highlight but it looks like a rushed stand in for an eventual figure. Why put these things out only to upset customers, people are losing faith in getting Grievous, it's never taken over a year from seeing a piece at the booth to getting a preorder, and now, Vader may be getting grief for details that will not be on the final figure but are here for public view. Makes no sense, I can't see what is the gain Sideshow sees when they make the call to do these things.
Makes no sense, I can't see what is the gain Sideshow sees when they make the call to do these things.