Super Freak
I have just re-read The Dark Knight Returns in anticipation of this movie coming out. Looking forward to seeing how they portray his "first" appearance.
I love Year 100. An amazing book!!! I was really surprised how great it was and not many people talk about it although I didnt really feel there was tons of connections to Nolan's stories. It's different.
Right now i'm reading Ed Brubaker's Gotham Central series and to me this is one of the best written "Batman related" series i have ever read. And if you want Nolan comparisons & inspriations, this is the one!!!
I have loved everything i have read by BrubakerHis Catwoman series is amazing too.
I agree, The Long Halloween and Dark Victory are the best Batman stories out there!
Dark Victory better than The Dark Knight Returns, Year One, The Killing Joke, Kingdom Come, Arkham Asylum et al?
I love Year 100. An amazing book!!! I was really surprised how great it was and not many people talk about it although I didnt really feel there was tons of connections to Nolan's stories. It's different.
Right now i'm reading Ed Brubaker's Gotham Central series and to me this is one of the best written "Batman related" series i have ever read. And if you want Nolan comparisons & inspriations, this is the one!!!
I have loved everything i have read by BrubakerHis Catwoman series is amazing too.
So having read 40s-50s and 80s-present stuff, for me Long Halloween would easily be in my top 5. If theres somethng in the 60s-70s thats better, I'd love to know what it is
And there's so much in the Batman catalog, there's always something new to read and discover.
The Dark Knight Strikes Again is pure poop. The fans and DC hounded Miller for years to make a sequel, so he finally did... and trolled them all, hard. I actually despise that it's printed along with TDKR in the Absolute Edition. I really feel its inclusion cheapens it.
Strange Apparitions is awesome. Needs to be back in print. I believe this is the story arc that introduced Hugo Strange.
Reintroduced him actually. He "died" way back in 'Tec 46 and took a 37 year vacation.
I didn't know SA was OOP. They should bring it back ASAP.
There's also great stories in LotDK series that I really think are some of the best. Prey, Venom, Gothic, Snow, are all good. I personally like most of Moench's stuff, even Knightfall better than TLH.
Legends of the Dark Knight was one of the best titles in comics history, let alone Batman history.
But ill disagree, Long Halloween definitely not overrated for me. What didn't you like about it? Im not a huge Hush fan either, but I thought it was a decent read.
I guess that's my biggest gripe really, its just 'decent.' The way a lot of (younger) readers gush over it you'd think it was the second coming. Sale's artwork is great, but the story just didn't do it for me. Kind of a disjointed mess of a story with a villain of the month flavor on top. I also didn't care for all the time focused on the different mobster characters. Half of it felt like a poor man's Scorsese picture. It wasn't bad at all, but nothing ground breaking either. Personally I thought Dark Victory was much better.
That said, I hope TDKR is better than the Year One movie. I'm in a cautiously optimistic mindset for this one.