You're right, and I agree with you. As for the last part, here's an oldie but goodie.
That's actually one of the best pics I've seen of the SSC Fett so far. Nice.
sorry to ask but is this the SSC Carbonite made back in 2009? I happened to see a Hasbro Han with Carbonite selling for 20$, is that worth getting? what's the difference between that and the Leia Boussh carbonite? thanks for possible replies
The Hasbro one came with an "unfrozen" Han then was reissued with Leia Boussh, but both are the same (though the Leia is a little different from its previous issue.)
In terms of comparing Hasbro Vs SSC, the Hasbro isn't bad, but the problems are that the Han sculpt isn't quite as good (though it isn't terrible either) and is a little oversized, the head especially looks too big in relation to everything else.
The side panels on the SSC are terrific - though yes, they don't light up and SHOULD HAVE! The Hasbro panels are only vaguely accurate, and they are flat, not angled out as they should be.
Overall, the proportion of Han inside the carb block "frame" is wrong with the Hasbro (too much room around him, especially width wise) whereas SSC got it right.
Here is SSC, Hasbro, and the full size prop as seen in an exhibit (the prop looks slightly elongated/"stretched" in that pic, maybe due to wide angle lens):
This pic looks truer in terms of less distortion. And it does look pretty small here:
Yes that's it. The Carbonite block is a bit underscaled for 1:6 but is sculpted very nice compared to the cheap Hasbro plastic one which is probably better scaled. Only wish they had made the side panels light up.
Interesting comment, haven't heard that before. Compared to a 1/6 figure, it looks pretty close - I just did that comp recently (i.e. holding up fig's hands, head.) As you can see, the prop is only slightly larger than a 6' foot man. And I just found a few other Magic of Myth pics (the block is hard to see squarely and well lit in both films) and it seems pretty close. I pasted the most square-on one next to Mightjabba's comp image above.
It's one of my fave SSC pieces -
very sad I have to sell mine.

So much for getting back to SSC Fett!