1/6th Scale Sideshow Boba Fett Figure

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Yes. Thank you for repeating what I just said. Sorry if I wasn't specific enough but yes from episode 1 behind the scenes I saw him messing with remote control R2.

"Are you incapable of controlling yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?"
Severus Snape (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Cut him some slack. He's the self proclaimed King of Awesome, and we humor him concerning his Boba obsession...

Yes, that was the concept behind his color scheme, Vintage Kenner meets modern SSC. It was a cool concept.

That pic of Bies just sort of sticks a pin in the Boba mystique. And he plays "ladykiller" Boba...

And Don Bies only worked on the Special Editions and Prequels. He had nothing to do with R2D2 in any of the original trilogy films - remote control or otherwise.

Yeah, I am kinda being mocked here am I? :lol
Cut him some slack. He's the self proclaimed King of Awesome, and we humor him concerning his Boba obsession...

Yes, that was the concept behind his color scheme, Vintage Kenner meets modern SSC. It was a cool concept.

That pic of Bies just sort of sticks a pin in the Boba mystique. And he plays "ladykiller" Boba...

And Don Bies only worked on the Special Editions and Prequels. He had nothing to do with R2D2 in any of the original trilogy films - remote control or otherwise.

Also, might I add that when he wears the outfit it suddenly isn't baggy anymore? :lol
Nil. That's Alan Ruscoe. The man behind Plo Koon, Bib Fortuna, and Daultay Dofine in episode 1. He was also Lott Dod in episode 2 and Mangalore Kino in the Fifth Element. Mostly roles behind masks and makeup.
Thats so awesome to hang with people like that, even moreso to share a drink with people from the movies. :yess:
I need to learn advanced planning 101. I'd love to go to an event like this. Hell, I didn't even plan out Disney World trip worth a **** this year, we arrived the day after the Star Wars days ended. :slap
That sucks. Join the 501st and when they have the banquet during celebrations you'll meet all kinds of peeps. Never would have been able to meet them like this if I wasn't a member. It does have its perks.
That's Don Bies. The mastermind behind getting remote controlled R2 to work.

I recognize him from the behind the scenes stuff from episode 1. Wow. He was in the fett suit for the ROTJ special edition work? Awesome.

And Don Bies only worked on the Special Editions and Prequels. He had nothing to do with R2D2 in any of the original trilogy films - remote control or otherwise.

Yes. Thank you for repeating what I just said. Sorry if I wasn't specific enough but yes from episode 1 behind the scenes I saw him messing with remote control R2.

"Are you incapable of controlling yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?"
Severus Snape (Prisoner of Azkaban)

How was I repeating what you just said? You said he made the remote control R2 work, so people would naturally assume you meant he did all R2's including the classic trilogy, so I clarified it.

"I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me." - someone in Harry Potter
That's cool. I think its just your delivery sometimes that sounds like a pompous windbag who likes to hear themselves talk or type. No offense but it just seems like you correct people an awful lot instead of agreeing and clarifying. My bad. I thought I explained it pretty well but obviously you misunderstood me. No hard feelings.
That's cool. I think its just your delivery sometimes that sounds like a pompous windbag who likes to hear themselves talk or type. No offense


None taken - I think.

but it just seems like you correct people an awful lot instead of agreeing and clarifying.

Okay, that's grade school teacher speak and is a totally inappropriate comment on the Freaks forum.:lecture

My bad. I thought I explained it pretty well but obviously you misunderstood me. No hard feelings.

Be honest and very specific - how did I misunderstand what you said?

In the context of the general pile-on attitude and adversarial nature of Sideshow Freaks (just read back over the last ten pages of crazy **** in this thread,) I would argue I'm generally a fair and reasonable voice.

If you honestly disagree and feel that I'm way out of line (as you seem to,) let's take this to PM's - and allow this poor thread to get back on topic...

SSC Boba anyone?

None taken - I think.

Okay, that's grade school teacher speak and is a totally inappropriate comment on the Freaks forum.:lecture

Be honest and very specific - how did I misunderstand what you said?

In the context of the general pile-on attitude and adversarial nature of Sideshow Freaks (just read back over the last ten pages of crazy **** in this thread,) I would argue I'm generally a fair and reasonable voice.

If you honestly disagree and feel that I'm way out of line (as you seem to,) let's take this to PM's - and allow this poor thread to get back on topic...

SSC Boba anyone?

You're right, and I agree with you. As for the last part, here's an oldie but goodie.

Someone was generous and gave me a Han in Carbonite. So, yeah. That's cool. :B


sorry to ask but is this the SSC Carbonite made back in 2009? I happened to see a Hasbro Han with Carbonite selling for 20$, is that worth getting? what's the difference between that and the Leia Boussh carbonite? thanks for possible replies
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Yes that's it. The Carbonite block is a bit underscaled for 1:6 but is sculpted very nice compared to the cheap Hasbro plastic one which is probably better scaled. Only wish they had made the side panels light up.
You're right, and I agree with you. As for the last part, here's an oldie but goodie.


That's actually one of the best pics I've seen of the SSC Fett so far. Nice.:clap

sorry to ask but is this the SSC Carbonite made back in 2009? I happened to see a Hasbro Han with Carbonite selling for 20$, is that worth getting? what's the difference between that and the Leia Boussh carbonite? thanks for possible replies

The Hasbro one came with an "unfrozen" Han then was reissued with Leia Boussh, but both are the same (though the Leia is a little different from its previous issue.)

In terms of comparing Hasbro Vs SSC, the Hasbro isn't bad, but the problems are that the Han sculpt isn't quite as good (though it isn't terrible either) and is a little oversized, the head especially looks too big in relation to everything else.

The side panels on the SSC are terrific - though yes, they don't light up and SHOULD HAVE! The Hasbro panels are only vaguely accurate, and they are flat, not angled out as they should be.

Overall, the proportion of Han inside the carb block "frame" is wrong with the Hasbro (too much room around him, especially width wise) whereas SSC got it right.

Here is SSC, Hasbro, and the full size prop as seen in an exhibit (the prop looks slightly elongated/"stretched" in that pic, maybe due to wide angle lens):


This pic looks truer in terms of less distortion. And it does look pretty small here:


Yes that's it. The Carbonite block is a bit underscaled for 1:6 but is sculpted very nice compared to the cheap Hasbro plastic one which is probably better scaled. Only wish they had made the side panels light up.

Interesting comment, haven't heard that before. Compared to a 1/6 figure, it looks pretty close - I just did that comp recently (i.e. holding up fig's hands, head.) As you can see, the prop is only slightly larger than a 6' foot man. And I just found a few other Magic of Myth pics (the block is hard to see squarely and well lit in both films) and it seems pretty close. I pasted the most square-on one next to Mightjabba's comp image above.

It's one of my fave SSC pieces - very sad I have to sell mine.:gah::(

So much for getting back to SSC Fett!
thanks for the responses good sirs. Right now I don't think I have the funding for a SSC block so the 20$ set I saw kind of got me thinking if this would be a good pair up for SSC Boba...
The hasbro carb block is not that bad in hand. Especially if you give it a decent paint job. I painted mine a metallic silver over the front of Han and the pool of carbonite he's encased in. I left the outer frame and sides alone but am wanting to put lights in to illuminate the side panels. The hasbro is hollow in the back so its easier to achieve this. I don't own a SS block so I'm not sure about that one or its back or if its hollow or not.

I'm sure the SS is more accurate and more detailed but I've never seen one in person.
That looks fantastic. I keep flip flopping on this. I think I'm sold now. What helmet mod did you do.
Shock. How tall is he on the slim? I hope still 12".

Well mines 5mm under 12" but here's where it gets tricky.... I removed the leg extenders which are 1cm but the helmet sits on the peg but not pushed down, like with the storm troopers :rotfl. :thud: helmet mod was too flare it some more
Well mines 5mm under 12" but here's where it gets tricky.... I removed the leg extenders which are 1cm but the helmet sits on the peg but not pushed down, like with the storm troopers :rotfl. :thud: helmet mod was too flare it some more

Standard AND metric? You sneaky devil....