Super Freak
Should have mine tomorrow!
I did 2-day shipping for mine so he should be in Minnesota tomorrow. That is unless our predicted 12" of snow doesn't ground him in Iowa.
Bash the scene when Logan visits the old dying Yashida. It is similar look to origins with with beater, button down and blazer / sport coat. Layers should help "hide" the smaller body while keeping the look movie accurate.
Here you go
First thing I did was try the vest look out, thought he looked way to skinny. so suited him back up. The vest is also terrible it's too baggy so I removed it when I suited him back up.
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Wow. That picture clearly proves that the body is way too small. I've decided I'm going to pass on this one. I have no interest in paying over $200 for a figure and then spending money on top of that to make it right. To hell with that. If Hot Toys can't get it right, they're not getting my money.
Wow. That picture clearly proves that the body is way too small. I've decided I'm going to pass on this one. I have no interest in paying over $200 for a figure and then spending money on top of that to make it right. To hell with that. If Hot Toys can't get it right, they're not getting my money.
It's a shame he's so skinny but suited and booted he looks the business, here's the pic I posted the other day.
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The body has to be that small to make all the layers look correct. The main look of the figure is with all the clothes on. The tank top is a secondary look. If they hadn't included the clothing for it people would have complained. If they would have made the body larger, then the suit look wouldn't have looked good and people would have complained. There is no way to make everyone happy.
If people really only want the tank top and pants look, then wait a few weeks and buy the separate parts and then get a body that is more fitting to the look. I'll bet its cheaper then the stock figure. Or buy the figure and sell off all the parts. Profit may be enough to pay for the custom bash.