What about videogames? Half of Nintendo's IPs are based off animes and or have given birth to anime shows on their own, and nintendo is pretty pop-culture.
DBZ, Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh, Evengelion, Attack on Titan, etc etc. all pretty relevant today, if you have facebook and like any "pop-culture" pages, you should realize how much attention anime posts get, and how many a day they post, hell, half of the posts are anime memes.
If there aren't movies in production is cause Anime is a lot harder to digest in it's plot and characters than your average comicbook characters with really straight forward motivations and personalities.
video games are their own thing.
and, the last movie they tried to do was dragon ball and look at how that turned out

I'm not saying that anime is not good or is not important or anything like that. I don't mean to say anime is dumb or has no fans. Of course it does.
The same way metal music has thousands of fans, but it is not pop culture, it is not part of the mainstream, I Love metal but most people don't really do. That's just the way it goes.
Metal sells but it never sells the way pop does. metal bands barely ever make it on the top ten billboard charts
same goes for Anime, it might be big in the cons and with comic fans but it is not really mainstream..... And perhaps it is a good thing that both Metal and anime are not mainstream.