Super Freak
Thanks!Amazing pic with the dogs. That looks incredible!
AmazonWhere did you get the dogs?
Chinese Guardian Lions Foo Dogs Bronzed Finish Statue Bookends:Amazon:Home & Kitchen
Thanks!Amazing pic with the dogs. That looks incredible!
AmazonWhere did you get the dogs?
After watching the One-Shot, I see Sideshow has a really good deal for him right now but I'm still hesitant.
After watching the One-Shot, I see Sideshow has a really good deal for him right now but I'm still hesitant.
Use eBay or the forums instead. The lowest price I've seen for this was around $130 or so.
Got mine today, really is an awesome figure with such amazing tailoring, spot on head sculpt, and cool chair accessory which unfortunately was ruined by the terrible twist in the film.
This figure is so great looking, but I cannot bring myself to pull the trigger on it. And it solely based on the movie. I think this is an amazing real world iteration of the character. I mean I was SOLD on the differences they made for IM3 from the comics.
Didn't mean to snip your post but I 100% agree. "Trevor" is the biggest example of a forced twist just the sake of of having one. I've been watching all the Phase II movies with commentary and listening to Black and Pearce just chit-chat during IM3, and it gave me the feeling that they were definitely the wrong guys for the job especially when they explained how they just picked random Marvel names for characters
Hopefully, judging by the AHTK one-shot, they can get Sir Ben back in to ret-con this mess and turn it into something salvagable. This is like having Gambol be the mastermind behind the Joker in TDK, it's just dumb.
:goodpostExactly. I despise Shane Black anyway. I mean, aside from the rest of my ramblings, he ruined this film by trying to make lethal weapon 5. Beach side mansion with suit guards wielding machine guns? ONE HAD A PONY TAIL! Then there is a dungeon inside said mansion where Tony get's tied up to it? I was surprised they didn't electrocute him with sponges to be honest. Let's not forget the buddy cop moment that Tony and James have at where else but a loading dock. Oh and we can't forget that it took place during Christmas time. Shane Black, I understand, you miss the 80's. Just don't make anymore Marvel movies.
I think I will remain optimistic about the new film..... cautiously optimisticThat's one of the reasons why my excitement for the next Predator movie is pretty low, even though it's my favorite franchise.
It is a really good figure just ignore the movie twist. I liked IM3 so it wasn't such hard choice for me(especially at the price I got it).
I've done it. I've gone and pulled the trigger on this. £115 shipped. Now I've gotta get me a battle damaged Iron Man MK42 Helmet and a 1/6 scale AK-47 to complete him. Sweeeeeet!