A crazy happy thing happened to me this afternoon. After barreling through some funds to frame my McQuarrie piece, and accidentally slipping into a record store and blowing some more funds, I came home and decided to buy a ticket for the first ever Wizard World to come to Vegas. I've never been to a Wizard convention before. Anyway, my local con friends had told me about a discount for 20% off, but when I went to use it, the code wouldn't work. Just on a whim I started typing in other codes. The original was vegas20, so I tried vegas10, then 30, then 40, and none of them worked, and I almost quit. But I tried one more, vegas50, and the damned thing worked! So instead of the ticket for Sunday being $40, it was only $20. I wasn't going to go for $40, but I can't pass up the half price to get out of the house, particularly since I'm still down from the post-Celebration blues, and see a con for a bit...
So, yeah, I'm being a bit of a Ken, but I thought it was a fun thing to share.