(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Thinking about cancelling HT Stormtrooper and reordering using points. I was gona wait for something bigger but it really doesnt matter now or later. Still the same savings.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You clearly missed my point.

I got your point. It's not a great point -

There's a big difference between developing opinions based on officially released pics - like this Joker - and making leaps based on leaked on-set images - like the Ultron CGI stand-in suit.

Everything I said is my opinion based on MOS and the pics WB has released for the very purpose of people getting a taste of what's to come.

If you like it, that's cool. I don't. No prob.

But you do come off more than a little condescending.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I am now a topps trader
Need a dummy lesson for this
Is there a thread on freaks
If not there should be
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I started thread
I got crumb card .....woot
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Is it still ok to say STFU Eli? I dunno, my heart goes out to Nepal.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh and thanks to Flosi I am hovering around the order button on HT 1/4 scale Fett. Thanks ****. :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh and thanks to Flosi I am hovering around the order button on HT 1/4 scale Fett. Thanks ****. :lol

If you ever join the herd, you should join our FB group. I just can't figure out twitter.

Got an Air Raid, finally. :) Combiner Wars is a fun series!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I like this guy.
Haha thanks
Oh and thanks to Flosi I am hovering around the order button on HT 1/4 scale Fett. Thanks ****. [emoji38]
And it looked really sweet at Celebration. The PF looks great but there was just something about the HTs one that made it look life like. This is coming from someone who didnt like the idea of a 1/4 scale figure.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I don't care about 1/4 scale Hot Toys...

But I did come home from C7 with nine new vinyl albums, and bought two more today! :panic:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Haha thanks

And it looked really sweet at Celebration. The PF looks great but there was just something about the HTs one that made it look life like. This is coming from someone who didnt like the idea of a 1/4 scale figure.

Yeah, I know Flo has discerning tastes, so I trust him. Seeing the way he was posed at Celebration put me over the top.

It's been a thought in the back of my mind as well. Thanks a lot, Flosi.

I just jumped on the WL for the exclusive.

I don't care about 1/4 scale Hot Toys...


Yeah it looked great in person as does the other HT Star Wars stuff.

I want it all... :drool
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

A crazy happy thing happened to me this afternoon. After barreling through some funds to frame my McQuarrie piece, and accidentally slipping into a record store and blowing some more funds, I came home and decided to buy a ticket for the first ever Wizard World to come to Vegas. I've never been to a Wizard convention before. Anyway, my local con friends had told me about a discount for 20% off, but when I went to use it, the code wouldn't work. Just on a whim I started typing in other codes. The original was vegas20, so I tried vegas10, then 30, then 40, and none of them worked, and I almost quit. But I tried one more, vegas50, and the damned thing worked! So instead of the ticket for Sunday being $40, it was only $20. I wasn't going to go for $40, but I can't pass up the half price to get out of the house, particularly since I'm still down from the post-Celebration blues, and see a con for a bit...

So, yeah, I'm being a bit of a Ken, but I thought it was a fun thing to share. :D
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah it looked great in person as does the other HT Star Wars stuff.

I think I might wait to use my points on Luke and Leia.

Yeah, I know Flo has discerning tastes, so I trust him. Seeing the way he was posed at Celebration put me over the top.

I just jumped on the WL for the exclusive.


I want it all... :drool

I would be tempted to use points on the exclusive, but since it on waitlist, it's not possible. Maybe I can resist.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I only attend panels I'm interested from reading the descriptions prior to the event. Tots are a nice bonus. I'll prolly sell all the ones I got at this even aside from the Gonk I traded for. They do seem to clog up the panels I'd like to attend without the hassle of a line. Maybe I'm part of the problem now that I've decided to sell the little bastards. I'll never sell my Artoo that Ken got me from Germany, or my one pin which Rick gave me! I have such great friends here.

I'm truly blessed. :D
Aw, shucks. Glad you like it.
Too many people let tots control their schedules. It ruins the celebration experience...
I seen the Yoda tot. Hes pretty cool!
Yoda is always cool in any form...
I know nothing of these tots. Should I keep it that way? Probably should keep it that way.
After 3 conventions with tots, you just don't want to know... It's too late to start now...
Yeah it's like a 7.8? That's nuts.
Oh wow.
Yep around that. Already 1100 plus missing.

Correction. 1100 confirmed dead with hundreds more missing. Avalanches and land slides from Everest are also happening.
Oh wowwwwww. That's horrible! I feel so bad for them.
I am now a topps trader
Need a dummy lesson for this
Is there a thread on freaks
If not there should be
Digital cards?
I don't care about 1/4 scale Hot Toys...

But I did come home from C7 with nine new vinyl albums, and bought two more today! [emoji14]anic:
I would have been too scared od breaking them...
A crazy happy thing happened to me this afternoon. After barreling through some funds to frame my McQuarrie piece, and accidentally slipping into a record store and blowing some more funds, I came home and decided to buy a ticket for the first ever Wizard World to come to Vegas. I've never been to a Wizard convention before. Anyway, my local con friends had told me about a discount for 20% off, but when I went to use it, the code wouldn't work. Just on a whim I started typing in other codes. The original was vegas20, so I tried vegas10, then 30, then 40, and none of them worked, and I almost quit. But I tried one more, vegas50, and the damned thing worked! So instead of the ticket for Sunday being $40, it was only $20. I wasn't going to go for $40, but I can't pass up the half price to get out of the house, particularly since I'm still down from the post-Celebration blues, and see a con for a bit...

So, yeah, I'm being a bit of a Ken, but I thought it was a fun thing to share. :D
I did the same thing for C2E2! I searched for a coupon, and didn't find one, but I found one for last year (which I didn't see last year when I needed one). It was WL2. Didn't work of course. Said expired. Tried WL3. Expired. Tried WL4. Accepted for $5 off! It's not a lot, but still...
When is Wizard World Las Vegas?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Had a great dinner with Gibby, Ben, Punk, and Angie. Memories of last year... Was a good time. Ben got his Zilla back.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

When is Wizard World Las Vegas?

Had a great dinner with Gibby, Ben, Punk, and Angie. Memories of last year... Was a good time. Ben got his Zilla back.

The con is going on here now. It's Friday to Sunday. I'm just going to go tomorrow. Don't even feel obligated to stay long if it's a bust. I know I'll be missing all of you while I'm there. But I felt like I must go. There's never been a Wizard in my town before.

Was thinking about you chaps tonight. I was going to text, but decided to let you all have your fun without being bothered. ;)

Glad to hear Ben made it out. :D
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah it was a fun night. Glad we could all get together.