Castle Greyskull is the most clear example. It simply wasn't what was promised in very specific real terms.
Castle Greyskull is the most clear example. It simply wasn't what was promised in very specific real terms.
The pink here, it's gonna be a hologram. It's gonna be that lenticular, shiny hologram that everybody's... y'know.
Scott Neitlich said:We did not state the board would have a lenticular. This was never a feature we noted in any communication, especially when the props we reviewed did not have a lenticular.
Where did you hear this rumor? That's all news to me.
Also, I looked up Battle Ram Man's information about the "brand manager" being fired from Mattel and then re-hired as a contractor and he's got the wrong guy. It's the former CEO that this story is about, so Kuwahara I think your "sources" are bogus or they just put Scott's name in the story so they could say something else negative about him without knowing the truth.
Mattel Says Ex-CEO Stockton Was Fired - WSJ
The only creative stuff he did was the bios (nonsense) and Mighty Spector.
Another thing off the top of my head:
When Castle Grayskull was first revealed, there was a monster dungeon floor piece the 4H sculpted to go along with the castle. Neitlich specifically said the 4H sculpted it for fun, and it wasn't part of the castle. I think it can be found in one of his videos where he says this.
A friend of mine emailed the 4H to ask if this was true, they replied saying that it was not sculpted for fun and was designed to be an accessory for Castle Grayskull.
Later we found out that dungeon sculpt was used as part of the tooling for an Imaginext play set.
Which figure do you guys think has the best sculpt?
I ordered Moss Man on ebay, he'll be here next week. How does the flocking hold up? It looks pretty good in photos. The Moss Man I had when I was a kid definitely had some bald spots after some time, but of course I don't plan to play with this one.
MOTUC AND Matty collector were his babies.
Without him, it's likely that Neither would have happened.
Hate all you like, but at the very least, credit where credit is due.
Reportedly the flock comes off in water, so keep him dry.
As far as best sculpts go, some of the best are Mantenna, the new He-Man head that came with Oo-Larr, Fisto, Battle Cat, Ram Man, Man-at-Arms, Mer-Man, Beast Man, Kobra Khan, Castle Grayskull and all the vehicles.
I've found that to be the case. People either love him or hate him. It's hard to get a read on the guy. I've watched a few of his videos. It seems like people take the most issue with Mattel's subscription policy. I'm not one to subscribe to a toy line before I know what figures they're releasing, so I can understand why people didn't dig that.
Do any of you guys own the classics castle greyskull? How do you feel about the scale? Seems a few inches shorter than the prototype.
Reportedly the flock comes off in water, so keep him dry.
As far as best sculpts go, some of the best are Mantenna, the new He-Man head that came with Oo-Larr, Fisto, Battle Cat, Ram Man, Man-at-Arms, Mer-Man, Beast Man, Kobra Khan, Castle Grayskull and all the vehicles.
Imo that's the head which should have come with he-man in the first place.
Customers have a right to be BITTER when they are told by the "Businessman" that a $250 plastic Castle is going to have this and that, then pulls the old bait and switch after he get's all their money. Then raises the price to $300.
That has nothing to do with the rumor I heard.