Super Freak
I love this. I wish I could do a BB-8 lighter on your comment.

I love this. I wish I could do a BB-8 lighter on your comment.
...After seeing the movie and knowing Disney is going to crank out Star Wars like Twinkies for the next several years I can safely say none of these characters will achieve iconic status to me. I had thought about getting a HT Kylo until I saw what a inept sad villain he was. I think I will stick with OT for Hot Toys and maybe pick up the Black Series for TFA just to have some representation in my collection.
I just saw the movie and wow, I didn't think anything could be worse than the prequels but my main man jar jar abrams delivered! Worst movie I've seen in a long time, easily the worst for 2015.
Those of you acting shocked that Rey could use a light sabre, look what she did to the two guys that tried to jump her at the beginning of the movie. She had self defense down.
Apparently Yoda and Obi-Wan's voices were in Rey's vision SPOILERS: Another HUGE Cameo In STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Revealed
As for some of the comments about the movie having problems, yes there were a few minor issues IMO, like for instance I was not impressed with Carrie Fisher's acting and dialogue (you could tell it had been a while for her) and I thought the whole Starkiller base and trench run were expected. However, its freaking STAR WARS...there is always going to be some crazy weapon of mass destruction of some type. Did these things ruin the movie or my childhood? Absolutely not! The fact that I left the theater excited to see Ep. 8 and watch Ep. 7 again was enough for me to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the film. I went back and watched it again yesterday and left liking it even more. To be fair, there was no way Ep. 7 would 100% live up to all of the hype and meet ALL of the fans' expectations. We have been waiting on this movie for 30 years. I think that JJ did a very good job considering the task at hand...covering 30 years worth of material in 2 1/2 hours. I would rank this movie in the top 3 of Star Wars films with 1.) Empire Strikes Back 2.) A New Hope 3.) TFA tied with ROTJ
Apparently Yoda and Obi-Wan's voices were in Rey's vision SPOILERS: Another HUGE Cameo In STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Revealed
As for some of the comments about the movie having problems, yes there were a few minor issues IMO, like for instance I was not impressed with Carrie Fisher's acting and dialogue (you could tell it had been a while for her) and I thought the whole Starkiller base and trench run were expected. However, its freaking STAR WARS...there is always going to be some crazy weapon of mass destruction of some type. Did these things ruin the movie or my childhood? Absolutely not! The fact that I left the theater excited to see Ep. 8 and watch Ep. 7 again was enough for me to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the film. I went back and watched it again yesterday and left liking it even more. To be fair, there was no way Ep. 7 would 100% live up to all of the hype and meet ALL of the fans' expectations. We have been waiting on this movie for 30 years. I think that JJ did a very good job considering the task at hand...covering 30 years worth of material in 2 1/2 hours. I would rank this movie in the top 3 of Star Wars films with 1.) Empire Strikes Back 2.) A New Hope 3.) TFA tied with ROTJ
I think this is copy and paste exactly what I read every time something crazy hyped comes out and is really bad. It's like the hype/nostalgia is so strong that there's no way it can just be a badly made, badly written, badly paced action movie with not much action of any worth.Nothing in this movie made me say wow that was awesome. No memorable dialogue.
I honestly don't think they tried in any department, especially the script. If it took more than a weekend for them to come up with that I'd be shocked.
Well, its simple...if you don't like or didn't like it, don't watch it. No one is forcing you to (no pun intended). I think it is ok for people to respectfully agree to disagree. Some people love the prequels...some people hate them, all are Star Wars fans. Its going to be the same with the sequels. People were expressing their opinions on the film here and I have done the same.
You still don't get what we're trying to voice out.
The source is the movie. Its very clear that's what happens once you figure out what Ben is asking Han for help with. He's not asking him for help coming back to the light. He's asking him to help him kill him. That's why Ben isn't shocked by it. He was asking for Han to do it for him. Its a very Snape and Dumbledore type of situation. What's on the surface isn't really what's going down. It wasn't obvious during my first viewing, but it was very clear my second time around once I knew what was going to happen. As it turns out, Han stabs first too!
We must have seen different movies. Ben clearly killed Han with intent and the struggle was pause for dramatic effect. The "torn apart" dialog was sucker bait lines to entice that there may still be good in him but all along the intent was to kill Han so that he can push on to the dark side. That was part of the foreshadowing when Ben was talking to Darth's crispy helmet.
Speaking of that helmet, the miss or non addressing of how the **** he got ahold of that helmet is the biggest tragedy plot point hole of the movie for me.
There is only one person in the entire galaxy that knows where Vader's remains are and he went into hiding. This had better get fleshed out in 8 and 9 because it is an insult to my brain on Kylo Ren just running around with those remains with no explanation.
Apparently it was Ewan McGregor.
What are you talking about? Han sacrificed himself to prevent fully losing his son to the dark side. Ben told him he had to do it and to have done it himself would have pushed him over the edge completely to the dark. Han ignited the lightsaber to save Ben from having to do it. Its not unlike the Emperor pushing Luke to kill his father. I guess that's kind of the ultimate test for the dark side. Had Han not died, who knows what punishment Snoke would have handed down on Ben. Sacrificing himself bought Ben more time. Han went out a hero, doing whatever he could to save his son - which is what Ford wanted for the character in the end.
Honestly R2 is the only one that knows everything.![]()
We must have seen different movies. Ben clearly killed Han with intent and the struggle was pause for dramatic effect. The "torn apart" dialog was sucker bait lines to entice that there may still be good in him but all along the intent was to kill Han so that he can push on to the dark side. That was part of the foreshadowing when Ben was talking to Darth's crispy helmet.
Speaking of that helmet, the miss or non addressing of how the **** he got ahold of that helmet is the biggest tragedy plot point hole of the movie for me.
There is only one person in the entire galaxy that knows where Vader's remains are and he went into hiding. This had better get fleshed out in 8 and 9 because it is an insult to my brain on Kylo Ren just running around with those remains with no explanation.
Apparently it was Ewan McGregor.