Absolutely suck?

No. YOU think they suck (a lot of people do share your opinion on that tho), but many many people like the movies. I've seen BvS a few times and I'd say that's like 7/10 for me nowadays. MoS like 6. Suicide Squad though is 9/10, **** that "my taste must be ****" just cuz I (and many more people) like something you don't. I like and love all kinds of movies, some are considered classics and masterpieces etc. But some of them are considered "trash" (bad boys 2 for example) by a lot of people.
I'm drunk and I forgot where I was going with this rant but they are called "tastes" for a reason, some people like a certain movie, some people don't. Like you said, as long as you yourself enjoy the movie you shouldn't worry about people who don't.