Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I liked the Vader scene at the end, it's something the fanboy/kid in me has always wanted to see, but it didn't seem like something the OT Vader would do. He was may more reserved. In ANH, he doesn't get ahead of his troops and cut through all the rebels he comes across when he gets through the door. In Empire, he doesn't start cutting through rebels ahead of his men on the Hoth Rebel base. It was like a Battlefront game when you get the a special hero character, ya know? When you like select a Jedi hero and start hammering down on the force and lightsaber strike buttons. Still, it was something I always wanted to see and it was a quick sequence. I liked it.

The rebels all sucked, but the deaths were well done, including the droids. They had balls doing that, I'll give them that.

I dug Tarkin. I'm glad he wasn't outdone by Krennic in terms of rank or evilness. Some of the shots of him were iffy, but it was nice seeing him back. He looked WAY more convincing than Leia, who seriously freaked me out.

Wasn't expecting Red leader and Gold leader. I thought it was neat how they inserted them in, but it was pretty jarring. The footage clearly looked different and it looked like they were from a different time (because duh, it was).
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I just got back. Didn't really like it


I actually really liked the last act though, Scarif or the beach planet or whatever was really good. The build up to the fight, the dogfights, the ground battle, the climax, it was really well done. Way better than Endor/Death Star II/Space, Naboo/Trade Federation/space battles and the Star Killer/Space battle. Each character had a mission and it all added up to something. Loved the Star Destroyer getting pushed, remind me of a navy or sea battle or something.

I was wrong saying it was a movie for girls or whatever. I mean there is clear pandering with the characters and the blind Asian dude but it wasn't as blatant as the writers and producer made it seem. It was pretty good.l after they got past establishing everyone.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

The title screen looked like I made it lol.

BS, you do better work and spend more time on your shoops. Don't sell yourself short.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Everytime i see her face i immediately see the twilight pig people ep lol :lol sorry back to Rogue one. I think its funny easier to watch Rogue one then a new hope on online site. lol

Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*


Well most movies have parts that are good. As a whole though? I don't know. That first hour is boring, jumping from character to character, planet to planet. They could have made it flow better. Dunno if I could sit through the stuff with Forrest Whittaker, the tentacle monster and the Jedi planet either. It doesn't really pick up until they start leaving for Scarif when they're going to steal the Death Star plans disk. Everything from landing to the Tantive IV taking off is good stuff though. I'm conflicted.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

BS, you do better work and spend more time on your shoops. Don't sell yourself short.

I'm actually a fan of prologues that end with a title reveal that moves away from the screen, like RO...but it needs to have a cool looking title accompanied with bad ass music, which RO had none lol.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Well most movies have parts that are good. As a whole though? I don't know. That first hour is boring, jumping from character to character, planet to planet. They could have made it flow better. Dunno if I could sit through the stuff with Forrest Whittaker, the tentacle monster and the Jedi planet either. It doesn't really pick up until they start leaving for Scarif when they're going to steal the Death Star plans disk. Everything from landing to the Tantive IV taking off is good stuff though. I'm conflicted.

I dunno if I'd call the first hour boring but even if I did - that's better than ''embarrassing'' which is generally how I'd describe the PT and certain changes Lucas made to the OT. Nothing in this made me bury my face in my palms nor did anything nag at me like certain aspects of TFA do.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I liked the movie, especially the last 5-10 minutes. It felt a bit slow at parts though.
The Vader scene at the end made up for it all though. :monkey3
It's possibly one of my favorite scenes in any movie. It was about time they had him cut loose.
Leia's CGI was really good.

Maybe she'll come back with metal legs.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Well most movies have parts that are good. As a whole though? I don't know. That first hour is boring, jumping from character to character, planet to planet. They could have made it flow better. Dunno if I could sit through the stuff with Forrest Whittaker, the tentacle monster and the Jedi planet either. It doesn't really pick up until they start leaving for Scarif when they're going to steal the Death Star plans disk. Everything from landing to the Tantive IV taking off is good stuff though. I'm conflicted.

That FW cave stuff was painful but I did enjoy Jedah.

The movie is definately better than TFA.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I dunno if I'd call the first hour boring but even if I did - that's better than ''embarrassing'' which is generally how I'd describe the PT and certain changes Lucas made to the OT. Nothing in this made me bury my face in my palms.

Those ANH SE changes on tatooine are indeed very painful to watch and i'm conflicted with the end battle jumping from 77 effects to cgi.

ESB Wampa stuff was good but Fett's voice change is criminal.

Yeah RO compared to PT is equivalent to TDK compared to Catwoman.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I liked the Vader scene at the end, it's something the fanboy/kid in me has always wanted to see, but it didn't seem like something the OT Vader would do. He was may more reserved. In ANH, he doesn't get ahead of his troops and cut through all the rebels he comes across when he gets through the door. In Empire, he doesn't start cutting through rebels ahead of his men on the Hoth Rebel base. It was like a Battlefront game when you get the a special hero character, ya know? When you like select a Jedi hero and start hammering down on the force and lightsaber strike buttons. Still, it was something I always wanted to see and it was a quick sequence. I liked it.

The rebels all sucked, but the deaths were well done, including the droids. They had balls doing that, I'll give them that.

I dug Tarkin. I'm glad he wasn't outdone by Krennic in terms of rank or evilness. Some of the shots of him were iffy, but it was nice seeing him back. He looked WAY more convincing than Leia, who seriously freaked me out.

Wasn't expecting Red leader and Gold leader. I thought it was neat how they inserted them in, but it was pretty jarring. The footage clearly looked different and it looked like they were from a different time (because duh, it was).

Yeah no doubt this was videogame Vader but like you said, they know the fans have been waiting to see that since forever so we can't all of a sudden hate them for giving it to us.

But it was like inserting BvS warehouse fight in Batman 89 lol.

Leia made me squirm lol.
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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I dunno if I'd call the first hour boring but even if I did - that's better than ''embarrassing'' which is generally how I'd describe the PT and certain changes Lucas made to the OT. Nothing in this made me bury my face in my palms nor did anything nag at me like certain aspects of TFA do.

That FW cave stuff was painful but I did enjoy Jedah.

The movie is definately better than TFA.

No arguments there. It was kind of like "hey, I'm sitting here watching another Star Wars movie, yay". Honestly, there's nothing I hate about it (other than that generic temp music that plays when they're jumping/climbing that huge data base cylinder when Krennic was shooting at them). Though I think there are sequences and scenes from the Prequels and Force Awakens that are better than Rogue One if you take them out of the context of the movie. As a whole final product though, Rogue One is better. Though man, that's tough when the soundtrack is **** and you got Star Wars film characteristics completely missing from it since they treated it as "just a Star Wars story".

My favorite parts are easily the strategies that went into the land, air and space battles. I loved how they had to take that shield down to get the transmission out and that one pilot hitting against it. Everyone had a specific role and if they didn't achieve it, the whole plan was doomed.

The disguise thing was stupid though. They go into the ship to inspect it with two Stormtroopers and a clean shaven, white officer and come out with zero Stormtroopers and a Mexican dude with facial hair. I don't get how that worked. Atleast Han and Luke were fully concealed.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I liked the movie, especially the last 5-10 minutes. It felt a bit slow at parts though.
The Vader scene at the end made up for it all though. :monkey3
It's possibly one of my favorite scenes in any movie. It was about time they had him cut loose.
Leia's CGI was really good.

Maybe she'll come back with metal legs.

Well... they do have the means, the technology, they can rebuild

Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

No arguments there. It was kind of like "hey, I'm sitting here watching another Star Wars movie, yay". Honestly, there's nothing I hate about it (other than that generic temp music that plays when they're jumping/climbing that huge data base cylinder when Krennic was shooting at them).

My favorite parts are easily the strategies that went into the land, air and space battles. I loved how they had to take that shield down to get the transmission out and that one pilot hitting against it. Everyone had a specific role and if they didn't achieve it, the whole plan was doomed.

The disguise thing was stupid though. They go into the ship to inspect it with two Stormtroopers and a clean shaven, white officer and come out with zero Stormtroopers and a Mexican dude with facial hair. I don't get how that worked. Atleast Han and Luke were fully concealed.

Yeah how they didn't notice their ruse was a stretch.

Someone needs to call Kathleen Kennedy and complain about the music, just use SW music, how hard is that!

The first hour would've been improved with great music supporting their journey.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I didn't really care about the music. I heard certain familiar things right when I wanted to.

I will say that they should have put an opening crawl title sequence with the main Star Wars theme in there. Not having ''Episode ___'' is enough of a distinguishing point from the saga movies. And since the film ended with usual end credits thing I don't see why it should have been a problem starting the movie like a normal Star Wars movie. All I can think of as to why they didn't have one is because they didn't know what they would say in the opening crawl that wasn't already in the ANH crawl. And certain backstory to the events of this film are actually shown in the movie
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I didn't really care about the music. I heard certain familiar things right when I wanted to.

I will say that they should have put an opening crawl title sequence with the main Star Wars theme in there. Not having ''Episode ___'' is enough of a distinguishing point from the saga movies. And since the film ended with usual end credits thing I don't see why it should have been a problem starting the movie like a normal Star Wars movie. All I can think of as to why they didn't have one is because they didn't know what they would say in the opening crawl that wasn't in the ANH crawl or story that wasn't being shown in the movie itself.

Better no crawl than some cheesy bad one

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