Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

thats not totally the story i know of "Splinter of the Minds Eye" and the Luke/Leia relationship I have read about. Splinter was going to be a low budget sequel if "A New Hope" failed at the box office. Harrison wasn't signed to do a sequel, so thats why the story has no Han Solo in "Splinter".

Vader wasn't originally Luke's father. That we all know. But an early Empire script has Luke talking to his fathers ghost telling Luke he had a sister, who was not Leia, but his father wouldnt tell Luke who she was that it would be too dangerous for him to know. She was off on some other distant planet. Lucas wanted her story to take place in other films, 7-8-9. But then Lucas wanted to end the films with ROTJ, so he took the sister story and made the sister Leia instead. He originally wanted 12 films. Then we was cutting it down to 9. Then he wound up only doing 3 (before the prequel were thought of)

He always planned Luke to have a sister, but it wasn't going to be Leia. "There is another" was his sister, but not Leia early on.

The cool thing about Splinter & ROTJ is that it kind of explains how Luke was able to defeat Vader in the novel, that Obi-Wan was able to give Luke his Force which gives "I will become more powerful than you can imagine" some meaning. The novel also show how Leia is force sensitive early on because she withstands Vader too. So by the time we get to ROTJ, it makes sense why Leia is Force sensitive, and a potential Jedi. But also making her a Skywalker adds up too.

I mean, Lucas probably had an overall idea of how this entire saga would be, but of course things will change over time. He had no idea it would be that big of a success and plus he was so far over budget with ANH i think he thought his career was over.

As far as Kurtz, he said they split during ROTJ production because they disagreed on the story and concepts. Lucas wanted a more action adventure that would sell a lot of merch, Kurtz wanted a more spiritual and emotional story.

Biggest left field invention of the OT was the brother/sister relationship. I will never see it as more than something Lucas pulled out of his ass.

In 1978 there was a book "Splinter of the Mind's Eye". It was originally developed as a "Plan B" story if Harrison Ford didn't sign the line to return. It has Lucas ideas it it and it was a road almost taken for the first sequel.

Splinter features an ongoing flirtation and beginning of a relationship for Luke and Leia. It wasn't the kind of thing Lucas would have helped develop if they were siblings.

So Ford agrees to come back and Lucas allows the book to be published because he wants to keep Star Wars in the public eye. It will be almost two years before the next film is ready.

Empire doesn't contradict Splinter. Leia and Luke continue their brief flirtation. Luke needs to rescue his friends on Cloud City mainly because Leia is there and he loves her.

Between Empire and Jedi Lucas fires Gary Kurtz. Gary and Irvin Kirshner made a lot of unilateral decisions while filming in Norway and Pinewood without Lucas. Empire ran $3m USD over budget and Lucas needed to go to 20th Century on bended knee to finish the film. He held Kurtz responsible. Many people think the real problem is Kurtz disagreed with George on artist issues.

ROTJ is a big departure from the first two films. It's 10 pounds of sh-- in a 5 pound bag. There's no room for a romance side-story, so George resolves it by taking Luke out of the love triangle. They're siblings. Problem solved. More screen time for puppets and teddy bears. Huge cop-out.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Anyone notice the Ghost parked outside on Yavin when they first arrive? And you see it two times in the end battle. Also, Chopper rolls by to the left before they take off from Yavin in the stolen imperial cargo ship. And even though they don't show the name of Vader's lava planet, it's most likely Had Abbadon from the original draft of RotJ.

I heard that the Ghost was in the battle and even saw a screenshot but I did not see it in the movie. Too much going on. I can't wait for the Bluray so you can rewind/pause. I completely missed Chopper too. He was in it?
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

The movie is just ok IMO.

I think it's more proof we just need a Vader spin-off. Make a movie set 10 years after EP3 and let's roll.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Great read last few pages, comic gold.

Look I really enjoyed RO but i'm sorry, I just don't buy it in ANH.

When the pilots are getting their briefing in ANH what General Madonna describes just doesn't match this whole new Erso subplot.

He says that an analysis of the plans is how they figured out the location of the exhaust port, not that they were given this great gift by the engineer behind the project.

View attachment 310832

But man Vader sure was a beast in RO albeit with a wonky voice and height.

That's because you're thinking of the wrong movie. Madonna was never in Star Wars.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Urso mentioned a weakness in the station not the location....after Madonna had the plans analyzed and found the port location he took credit. Rogue One crew wasn't around to dispute how much effort he really had to put into it. In Ep IV Madonna made it sound bigger taking advantage of a career opportunity as any good leader would. :rotfl

I've seen Madonna's port location.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Just watched online twice absolutely LOVED IT! Very ,very happy with Gareth Edwards director work perfect imo.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

They should use the same technology in the Han Solo film. Why bother to have Leia and all those other characters looking the same in order to maintain some kind of continuity, and then completely ignore it in the Han Solo film? :dunno

Please go back and fix Rachel in TDK lol
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

But Leia even tells Han that she hopes when the data is analyzed that a weakness could be found. She said it with a 100% uncertain demeanor.

Why "hope"?

Rebel leaders were well aware of the vent shaft back door, wouldn't Leia of all people know.

Wouldn't she instead say to Han that the plans have a back door that she hopes the rebellion can take advantage of?

I don't know, sure it can be twisted to fit by saying that Leia or Dodonna acted on a need to know basis but I don't just doesn't feel as natural as it should.

I say alter A New Hope to make Erso's subplot more seamless lol.

My understanding is that the only explanation of the weakess was in the holo message that was only seen by a few people, all of which died. Yes, Jyn told a few others , but they all died too. The transmission was just the "technical readout of that battle station", not an X marks the spot treasure map on how to destroy it.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Please go back and fix Rachel in TDK lol

how can you fix rachel? just add water? lolz
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

My understanding is that the only explanation of the weakess was in the holo message that was only seen by a few people, all of which died. Yes, Jyn told a few others , but they all died too. The transmission was just the "technical readout of that battle station", not an X marks the spot treasure map on how to destroy it.

You know, I enjoyed this movie so much that i'm actually ok with just ignoring some of those inconsistencies.

There were scenes that literally had me on the edge of my seat grinning from ear to ear.

how can you fix rachel? just add water? lolz

Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

The scene from the trailer with the tie fighter facing Jyn makes me think that they may have originally planned to have a couple survivors. I'm thinking the death of Bohdi may have been left off screen as a fake out, so that he could end up picking up Jyn in the tie fighter at the last second before the base blows up.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Poor Maggie Gyllenhaal. I think she's cute.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

As you watch the movie, you're going to realize how awesome this post actually is :)

I suggest buying a lottery ticket NOW.

Red Leader was in it! That was genius

Anyway saw the film. That was Star Wars very much back on form as far as I'm concerned.

My new personal Star Wars canon is:

-Rogue One
-A New Hope
-Empire Strikes Back
-Return of the Jedi

My jury is still out on The Force Awakens pending what they do in Episodes 8 and 9.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

The more you tighten your grip DiFabio, the more seasoned forum members will slip through your fingers.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Why doesn't Vader just stop the ship from flying away? It wasn't moving that fast, just taking off.

I'm pretty sure that what Magneto would do in that same situation.

I want to watch that (having just seen the film tonight) but at the same time I don't. I will almost certainly be going to see this again next week and even now I feel I should preserve the awesomeness for the big screen.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I just got back. Didn't really like it. It was better than the Force Awakens and most of the other prequels, but if it felt like it was put together poorly like stuff was missing.

That first hour or so kinda sucks. The jump without a crawl was really weird. Everything from cartoons to video games had opening crawl describing the chapter you were about to see. Not having it made it feel generic, same with the awful score. You're introduced to each character and it didn't really flow all that well. I ****ing loathe how movies now a days tell you the location of where the scene is currently taking place. It wasn't obnoxious like it is in Civil War, but it was still irritating nonetheless.

I actually really liked the last act though, Scarif or the beach planet or whatever was really good. The build up to the fight, the dogfights, the ground battle, the climax, it was really well done. Way better than Endor/Death Star II/Space, Naboo/Trade Federation/space battles and the Star Killer/Space battle. Each character had a mission and it all added up to something. Loved the Star Destroyer getting pushed, remind me of a navy or sea battle or something.

I was wrong saying it was a movie for girls or whatever. I mean there is clear pandering with the characters and the blind Asian dude but it wasn't as blatant as the writers and producer made it seem. It was pretty good.l after they got past establishing everyone.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real


Looks a little like Scarjo there.

I want to watch that (having just seen the film tonight) but at the same time I don't. I will almost certainly be going to see this again next week and even now I feel I should preserve the awesomeness for the big screen.

Same here, big screen only for now. That scene is too good to waste on an ipad at the moment.