In all honesty Spike I hate arguing about this.. As it is a waste of time also and makes me sort of a hypocrite on the other side of the spectrum .. Also I don't like arguing with fellow freaks that I like.
In all honesty Spike I hate arguing about this.. As it is a waste of time also and makes me sort of a hypocrite on the other side of the spectrum .. Also I don't like arguing with fellow freaks that I like.
You are still missing the point of my post - and are projecting.
Sideshow have certain scales locked in for the franchise - if THEY were to back away from those licences, others could step up for those scales. Win for ALL collectors of the franchise since Sideshow has REPEATEDLY done such a poor job..
You've worked yourself up into a bit of a fit - again - I have no idea why since you've denied one of the obvious causes..
Sincere question – since you are not happy with what people post here - what do you think should be posted on this thread?
Why would you expect “something new”? – I mean - may I ask what you were expecting from a thread discussing pros & cons of a collectible? - Sydney opera house perhaps?, the hanging gardens of Babylon?, herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically . . . .
And for the record (in case anyone has doubts) - you KNOW I like you too - just this latest spate of exchanges seemed a little - "odd".
We'll get over it - salute me at the weekend
So your . . . ahem . . . frustration was due to what some folks posted and a misunderstanding of 1 of my posts. K - we got there. Awesome.
Activity on this thread HAD stopped for a few weeks. That's because there was no news and no questions asked.
Then the edition size was announced, along with the recent "confirmation" about new licence holders, that brought it to the attention of people who posted new (to them) thoughts or questions, then posts were made in response.
Of course, the nature of forums being what it is, some of this was repeated info for those who have been following the thread from the start, but not necessarily to those coming in part way through.
Warning - what follows is more repeated info . . .
- You already know my thoughts - if you like something enough to spend the money - go for it. It's YOUR money, YOUR tastes, YOU are entitled to like and purchase anything regardless of what others think. That has ALWAYS been my attitude - on this and all other pieces - Sideshow-sourced or not.
- As I've said before - I SINCERELY hope that anyone that buys this LOVES it when it turns up. It's not for me because the issues bug me and cannot be fixed as easily as the P2 maquette issues.
You are quite right - a P1 at this size will be accepted by a lot of casual collectors regardless of the oversized head & skinny body issues.
The numbers interested will be cut down due to pricing (a lot of "casuals" appear to have zero idea of likely price point on this), but this will still sell well despite its obvious flaws.
I think Sideshow should give NECA a percentage, since they are the primary company responsible for increasing the interest in Predator collectibles
I'll be getting this, but would sure like that thigh armour fixed - that'll bug the heck out of me!
Hey Spike... So I was looking back at the old SDCC photos and I found this post by you that I quoted below... When did this piece lose you as much as it did??
You were not the only one.. People were much more easy going on this piece back then.. Was it the PO pics and unmasked sculpt that finally broke the Camels back for everyone?
Haters are gonna hateand lovers are gonna love
. I love it and will be getting this!!!!!
. . . It's certainly an improvement on the last one.
Those with higher standards are not haters. The people that are happy with this guy don't need to justify their decision, it's your money, just realize by supporting a poor effort encourages that level of effort to continue.Haters are gonna hateand lovers are gonna love
. I love it and will be getting this!!!!!
We'll have to agree to disagree on that Matt (and your use of the description "little things").
The issues on the P2 maquette can be addressed post-purchase - the issues with this CANNOT (unless you want to resculpt the entire body + head).
At least the base is cool on this one - that IS much better than the P2 base
. . . the masked head of the P2 was pretty much a write off for me . . .
I do agree nothing I have purchased from SS looks worse than the proto and in fact everything I bought looks fantastic so far.
I find this hard to believe. Almost nothing SS has ever done looks near as good as their protos.