Things I Hate

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What cracks me up about it most of all is that it's the far right that has seemingly co-opted the idea of "patriotism." Makes me wonder how many of these asshats with Nazi flags bitching about the removal of a statue of a known traitor to the United States have "support our troops" bumper stickers and if they're just too dense not to realize that they're doing exactly the opposite.:lol


Its not the loud mouthed people flying Nazi flags that get me.....obviously they forgot a million people died defeating that *******.....many of those American young men.

Its the people who silently approve or look the other way because they are not in a threatened group. They fail to realize that most people in this country would be a threatened group eventually. Those quiet/ complicit ones are the real threat.

Also if your someone who associates everyone in the right side of the political spectrum with a Nazi......well you need to open your eyes.

Whats strange to me are anyone who pigeon holes themselves right or left.....most people have strong views that are considered left and right.

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What cracks me up about it most of all is that it's the far right that has seemingly co-opted the idea of "patriotism." Makes me wonder how many of these asshats with Nazi flags bitching about the removal of a statue of a known traitor to the United States have "support our troops" bumper stickers and if they're just too dense not to realize that they're doing exactly the opposite.:lol

You're only scratching the surface on the issue of hypocrisy and the usurpation of "patriotism".

However, you can argue that confederate soldiers were not traitors in that they did not seek to betray the Union, rather just leave it.
However, you can argue that confederate soldiers were not traitors in that they did not seek to betray the Union, rather just leave it.

Having just visited Gettysburg......its hard to feel anything but sadness for all the soldiers on either side of that embarrassing chapter in American history.

May it never be repeated..

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Its the people who silently approve or look the other way because they are not in a threatened group. They fail to realize that most people in this country would be a threatened group eventually. Those quiet/ complicit ones are the real threat.

Also if your someone who associates everyone in the right side of the political spectrum with a Nazi......well you need to open your eyes.

Thats the biggest problem. This tragedy just happened and most people dont care, most people arent even paying attention. There have been so many fights and so much protesting and so much conflict that people are numb to what becomes white noise on a radio.....
Theres been so much arguing and fighting that everyone else just goes on with their lives and stops paying attention.
People i know were like " another protrst gone bad? How many is this now? 10 this year. People dont even know what was being prorested. Or who was involved.
The best thing they can do is not to give them attention, not to counter rally, etc. But....that never happens. Hate groups of any kind want attention.
​There's a guy down the street from me that flies a confederate flag under his American flag. There are many black people who live around him. No one cares.

That's because there is nothing they can do.

But I would like to believe it's because they don't care.
That's because there is nothing they can do.

But I would like to believe it's because they don't care.

Believe me, they don't. Living in a small town in Ohio that has been mixed pretty much since it started means that people aren't fighting over petty BS like they do in the big cities. The Confederate flag here has always meant that someone has either came from the south or have people from there, or they're country fans. I even know blacks who came from down south and moved here who had the flag on their truck or cars. It just doesn't mean what people are trying to make it out to be now. It doesn't mean racism.

We have way too many other worries than what people fly in their yards or what statues are up. All of Ohio has a massive opioid problem and job shortage problem, amongst other things.
Believe me, they don't. Living in a small town in Ohio that has been mixed pretty much since it started means that people aren't fighting over petty BS like they do in the big cities. The Confederate flag here has always meant that someone has either came from the south or have people from there, or they're country fans. I even know blacks who came from down south and moved here who had the flag on their truck or cars. It just doesn't mean what people are trying to make it out to be now. It doesn't mean racism.

We have way too many other worries than what people fly in their yards or what statues are up. All of Ohio has a massive opioid problem and job shortage problem, amongst other things.

Hee hee must be a coincidence most of the guys I know flying a rebel just happen to be casual racists also.....

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Believe me, they don't. Living in a small town in Ohio that has been mixed pretty much since it started means that people aren't fighting over petty BS like they do in the big cities. The Confederate flag here has always meant that someone has either came from the south or have people from there, or they're country fans. I even know blacks who came from down south and moved here who had the flag on their truck or cars. It just doesn't mean what people are trying to make it out to be now. It doesn't mean racism.

We have way too many other worries than what people fly in their yards or what statues are up. All of Ohio has a massive opioid problem and job shortage problem, amongst other things.

Heres the problem with the whole nazi thing,
Simple question, Who is the enemy? Nazis.
Thats as clear cut as it can be.
But who are nazis? White supremacists, but then some people say it is also white nationalists, but then u have people saying white trump voters, but then some also include republicans that went against hillary...
Do you see how wide the net is being cast? Also do u see what they all have in common? Whats the thing that connects all of them

Hee hee must be a coincidence most of the guys I know flying a rebel just happen to be casual racists also.....

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Hee hee Is kinda like how its a coincidence that so many BLM were just anti all cop/white :)
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