If someone shows up to a rally waving a Nazi flag, they're a neo-Nazi. If they happen to be Richard Spencer, they're a neo-Nazi. If someone has a Celtic cross tattoo, it's more than likely they're a skin head.
I wish if everyone (including the news media) would stop giving these degenerates so much attention. They're a fringe movement. True Conservatives hate them, Liberals hate them, anyone with a shred of moral decency would be absolutely appealed by them.
I can say the same thing about BLM and Antifa. They're all terrorist organizations. I'm sick to death of only one having to be denounced.
Yeah, but when ISIS attacks somewhere, we tend to call out ISIS, and not denounce all terrorists groups worldwide (or give a blanket, general statement on how much hate there is in the world). It's standard practice, and just common sense to hold whatever group is accountable at the time, for whatever incident they're responsible for.
Nations fought and bled in WWII to destroy the Third Reich. The entire Western world (and most of the Middle East, and Asia) is at war with ISIS.
I'm sure your question is perhaps rhetorical. But, I think once an evil ideology gains traction (and becomes the national policy of a country), the only way to destroy it, is to do so by force. That's probably the only way to dissuade others from following after it.
Well, the problem is not even about ideology or even about political parties, the real problem is basically about race. And it kind of has always been. Either antifa or SJW or feminazis or nazis or cops abusing power, it always comes down to priviledged, mostly wealthy Caucasian people looking for a movement. Any movement, as misplaced as their wanting to belong is...
We all know how evil and dangerous nazis are... but on the opposite side, the SJW feminist side, who are the ones that always end up being the most violent, destructive and annoying ones... 9out of 10 times, well.... you see the problem???