Same.I remember the first time I saw Pat in a video, I'm like "he looks like a little baby"he's a dwarf.

Imagine if he was built like one tho...

Same.I remember the first time I saw Pat in a video, I'm like "he looks like a little baby"he's a dwarf.
But who are nazis?
Anticipatory anxiety. Waiting to get the call back on how much it's gonna cost to fix my brakes.
Today's definition is anyone who doesn't go along with progressives and doesn't bathe daily in self White hatred. The scope has become too big that everyday normal people that work 40 hours a week and mind their business get lumped in with skinheads.
Dont forget white lol. We all know only white people are capable of that kind of evil.
how do you kill/disable an "idea/ideology"?
Nations fought and bled in WWII to destroy the Third Reich. The entire Western world (and most of the Middle East, and Asia) is at war with ISIS.
I'm sure your question is perhaps rhetorical. But, I think once an evil ideology gains traction (and becomes the national policy of a country), the only way to destroy it, is to do so by force. That's probably the only way to dissuade others from following after it.
shooting the messengers?
i want to rally the bronies, harry potheads, marvel/dc tards....and make a new competing ideology. a new religion even.
we deliver the 76 virgins that we promise.
they are virgins. just not the virgins you thought you deserved.
gender reassigned basement dwellers.
I dunno, considering a group like that, you'll probably have be... more open minded about the virgins. Waaaay, waaaayyy more open minded.