1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 452 - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

is this probably only available on tokyo ? just like ht did to ironman mk41 bones retro version ?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

This Vader looks spot on. The helmet is right, the pleats seem correct, the chest box detail is correct, and the gloves look sculpted to me.

As an ESB Vader costumer, this is a must have for me.

The helmet flare is fine. Here is my ESB helmet.


HT even got the uneven flare right!!!!

But don’t you think there is too much flare on the HT helmet? Yours looks perfect 👌🏻
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Nearly $300 for him alone ? They better include his meditation chamber diorma or something. Tarkin-Vader 2 pack with interrogation droid much better deal
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Looks great. My favorite outfit. Love the details. My fav helmet is the ANH version. Want this but also want a full Anakin sculpt as well... guess I gotta get them all.
Release in 6/18? That seems fast for HT.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Nearly $300 for him alone ? They better include his meditation chamber diorma or something. Tarkin-Vader 2 pack with interrogation droid much better deal

Those are the prices for Hot Toys in Japan these days. The Tarkin/Vader two pack runs the same if just factoring in the Vader.

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Nearly $300 for him alone ? They better include his meditation chamber diorma or something. Tarkin-Vader 2 pack with interrogation droid much better deal

No, the exchange rate is much more favorable to USD. It is about $240 when you exchange from Yen to USD.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

No, the exchange rate is much more favorable to USD. It is about $240 when you exchange from Yen to USD.

More like $260 but correct, still a far cry from $300
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

I'm just hoping that this means a re-release or 2.0 of Bespin Luke. I could never justify the 2nd hand pricing, and I wouldn't have the space for the antenna display anyway...
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

The mask,shoulder armor and gloves look great!...but they need to redo the helmet(looks like ANH/R1 version) and loose the pleats..the slot buttons on the chest box are a little over scaled as well..but looking forward to seeing more...IMG_20171114_010115 modified.jpg
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

As I mentioned earlier, flare is too much. Looks as if the dome is too large too. Proportionately Vader’s facemask in ESB and ROTJ seems to be bigger than what it was in ANH. While ANH dome seems to be bigger.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

No, the exchange rate is much more favorable to USD. It is about $240 when you exchange from Yen to USD.

Well dont forget you’re using the current exchange rate for the product which the release date probably out in next year. Yen rate not stable at all, by that time if North Korea just drop some missle tests Yen rate would just fking sky rocket jumping again..and lets hope that $300 is the minimum lol. But this Vader is HT Japan exclusive ?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Helmet's likely a tad oversized for the reveal trick.

I would guess this figure will be closer to $300. What were HT's previous prices on their Vaders? Figure a $20 jump from that baseline. And that's assuming they don't give him the railing of the gantry or some silly thing to jack up the price like Tarkin's chair.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Well dont forget you’re using the current exchange rate for the product which the release date probably out in next year. Yen rate not stable at all, by that time if North Korea just drop some missle tests Yen rate would just fking sky rocket jumping again..and lets hope that $300 is the minimum lol. But this Vader is HT Japan exclusive ?

True, but Vader is typically a $250 release. The first one being $300 was due to the crappy sound effects. I doubt it's more than $250.

And I would lol if it was Japan exclusive. That makes no sense. It's prob just being revealed in Japan.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

I’m going to be in the minority here but I’m just not seeing the leather gloves like the ANH version. Those gloves look sculpted to me. HT seemed to have listened to the negative feedback about the gloves with the subsequent Vader releases, it doesn’t make sense for them to change it back.
But just going off of looks- the creases on the gloves on that pic are very good, something 1/6 scale leather just wouldn’t be able to do. Looks totally sculpted to me.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

At this rate they will have the ROTJ version announced before this one even comes out, so I’ll just wait and see what I like best. The Tarkin/Vader 2-pack is so tempting just for the value...

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

I really like ESB Vader, but I honestly just can't justify having more than one Vader in my collection. I consider him along the same lines as Chewie. Sure there's subtle differences, but if you have one, you almost have them all. Chewie is Chewie, and Vader is Vader, no matter which one you have.

I think I'm likely just going to stick with my ANH Vader because I just about have all of the original characters from that specific film, and having the entire cast from the first SW film to me is a bit more iconic.

If I did upgrade, I'd probably just upgrade to the 2.0 ANH Vader if I were to get a new Vader.