Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader
Just say it - "I bought Winston instead of ESB Vader."
I really like ESB Vader, but I honestly just can't justify having more than one Vader in my collection. I consider him along the same lines as Chewie. Sure there's subtle differences, but if you have one, you almost have them all. Chewie is Chewie, and Vader is Vader, no matter which one you have.
I think I'm likely just going to stick with my ANH Vader because I just about have all of the original characters from that specific film, and having the entire cast from the first SW film to me is a bit more iconic.
If I did upgrade, I'd probably just upgrade to the 2.0 ANH Vader if I were to get a new Vader.
Just say it - "I bought Winston instead of ESB Vader."