I'm curious to see how Solo will be taken to by the fans of TLJ. Those same fans that praise TLJ and don't seem to care about the inconsistencies and changes Johnson made to the Star Wars lore, really have no place in voicing an opinion if they think Solo sucks. It can't possibly do any more harm to the myth and legacy of SW than the TLJ already has. Nor can the plot, pacing or characterization be any worse. I don't want to hear "they ruined Han Solo" while at the same time praising TLJ and what was done to Luke Skywalker and completely changing what we know about the force.
In no way can Solo possibly be a worse movie than TLJ. If it is, or even just as bad, then Kennedy has undeniably **** on Lucas and his Star Wars universe. Then maybe those fans will finally see TLJ for what it truly is. A big mess and a FU to the fans who stuck around for 40 years, who are a big reason as to why SW is still popular and alive today...