Super Freak
Disney Kennedy don't like Jesus
rey is jesus's sister.
Disney star wars= the power of I M A G I N A T I O N...Khev uses it a lot
must be the chlorine in the water.
Disney Kennedy don't like Jesus
Disney star wars= the power of I M A G I N A T I O N...Khev uses it a lot
And to think, he could have just been there in person, an even more heroic act.![]()
rey is jesus's good sister. According to Disney Kennedy Jesus was the bad brother/son
must be the chlorine in the water.
Arriving as force projection also would have helped no one as he DIDN'T TELL ANYONE about his "stall for time" plan - including Leia.
Ben using force projection in ANH:
Right from his hut, Ben could have instantly contacted and had a discussion with Leia's father on Alderaan (or had him tell Ben to project himself to Yavin base,) told him that Leia's ship had been attacked, and that he's in possession of a droid containing death star plans (after R2 had shown Ben what he's carrying) so they could immediately send Rebel spies to view/retrieve them. Or Ben could create a "force-viewing link" between Leia's father (or others) and his hut so others could view the death star plans in the same way Rey views Kylo's guns (or simply use the type of "livestream" video-conference to Maz seen in TLJ.)
Yoda using force projection in ESB (backed by Ben as Force-ghost with physical world powers):
The Bespin battle would have gone differently if Yoda had shown up as a force projection, with Ben having Yoda's back with force-ghost powers, to help the unprepared and in-danger "last hope" Luke who is perhaps going to his death. Yoda and Ben being there would have rescued everyone including Han and together Yoda, Ben and Luke could have probably killed Vader if they chose.
Nice ideas!
If they had done even a couple of those things, the last third of the movie would have been way more satisfying.
Ben dies about ten minutes into projecting himself to Alderaan leaving the plans completely unprotected to maybe have a conversation. Check.
Ghost Ben can’t intervene. I know there’s an argument that calling lightning to a tree contradicts this but we didn’t see any force ghosts fighting anyone. So communing with nature to burn an empty tree doesn’t confirm anything to me.
Also Yoda probably dies within 5 minutes of force projection. Accomplishing probably zilch.
Behold! The power of Disney Star Wars I M A G I N A T I O N. ...Jedi mind trick for real lol
It’s certainly activated you.
His "sacrifice" isn't even emotional, the rebels would have just went into the back of that hanger where Rey would meet them without him anyway. It's just bizarre and executed in such a strange way.
"B-b-but RIAN, er, I mean Kylo set it up that if you did it could kill you!!"
Who cares? That doesn't make it better. Just because you set it up doesn't make it a great concept. Everything about it is just so contrived. Luke just waltzing in looking all strange with that hair and beard. The return of the blue lightsaber. The Matrix dodges. The dusting of his shoulder. Poe just knowing what Luke's plan is. The fact that Luke dies sitting there doing nothing. It's just stupid. I don't understand why people feel the need to defend it ad nauseam. It really played out like some weird fan fiction or one of those old Expanded Universe stories. Funny thing is, the people that defend this hologram Luke garbage would probably be ripping the hell out of the idea if was a thing in an unofficial book or something. I just can't fathom how a fan of Star Wars or Luke Skywalker would find this to be a compelling end for such a beloved character. Or maybe they never liked either thing to begin with? Certainly seems like it.
Rian Johnson is an arrogant prick, he thinks he's funny on twitter with his asinine ******** comments like " Leia is a bad @ss Motha ****er" that's how she floated like an ******* in space. This guy didnt even see the final cut of TFA before turning in his script and this movie feels like Episode 7.5 not eight. We got two movies in the span of a week or so that's some stupid ass writing, seriously this dude single handedly **** on the new sequels and he thinks hes cute.
I can't believe "force projection" is actually a thing now. It's just so ridiculous. It boggles my mind that Star Wars fans actually defend it. I guess I could kind of see if Luke had a heart attack while doing it or something, but he clearly composes himself and meditates before completely disappearing. I mean WTF did he do that made him exert so much "foce juice" or whatever you guys are conjuring up as an excuse for his demise? He didn't even swing his ****ing "lightsaber". Hell, for all we know, he could have shut it off while all those AT-ATs were blasting his projection. He didn't need to be seen in all that red dust. His "sacrifice" isn't even emotional, the rebels would have just went into the back of that hanger where Rey would meet them without him anyway. It's just bizarre and executed in such a strange way.
"B-b-but RIAN, er, I mean Kylo set it up that if you did it could kill you!!"
Who cares? That doesn't make it better. Just because you set it up doesn't make it a great concept. Everything about it is just so contrived. Luke just waltzing in looking all strange with that hair and beard. The return of the blue lightsaber. The Matrix dodges. The dusting of his shoulder. Poe just knowing what Luke's plan is. The fact that Luke dies sitting there doing nothing. It's just stupid. I don't understand why people feel the need to defend it ad nauseam. It really played out like some weird fan fiction or one of those old Expanded Universe stories. Funny thing is, the people that defend this hologram Luke garbage would probably be ripping the hell out of the idea if was a thing in an unofficial book or something. I just can't fathom how a fan of Star Wars or Luke Skywalker would find this to be a compelling end for such a beloved character. Or maybe they never liked either thing to begin with? Certainly seems like it. I mean, some of these people defending this are the same ones that bitched for years and years about how bad Yoda doing silly flips was or R2 flying around with jetpacks on his legs. I just don't understand it, how can you hate on one ridiculous thing but be completely fine with the other that is, somehow, even more ridiculous.
Complaining about the natural progression of force powers in the films is senseless. What... do you really expect them to keep the wealth of interesting abilities locked away in books and other smaller media forever?
Come on now. We had that song and dance with the prequels. They contributed almost nothing substantial, except for a few flashy dance battles. In fact, I can only recall Yoda’s Force Deflection and the Force Speed maneuver from Phantom Menace.
The Force is constantly evolving in the medium. Instead of Vader merely deflecting blaster fire with a flick of his wrist, you have Kylo Ren who can suspend both the bolt and the combatant in place for however long he requires. Snoke tossed around Rey like a giant playing with a rag doll. He didn’t resort to merely flinging some intense lightning at his prey.
Now, I will say... being blown out of the bridge and surviving in space well past what a physical human body is capable of? Yeah, that’s a little harder to swallow. The Force pull maneuver itself isn’t even the issue for me.
Complaining about the natural progression of force powers in the films is senseless. What... do you really expect them to keep the wealth of interesting abilities locked away in books and other smaller media forever?
I still find the Obi-Wan death to carry some emotion in ANH.
The moment when Luke disappears has no emotional weight and then even the characters are all, “Did you feel it? He’s gone.”![]()
Of course! I mean in ESB when Yoda said "for my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is" he clearly meant that it was awesome to have an ally that could do nothing but control weak minds and lift stuff. Those two powers alone are definitely worthy of spawning a religion that lasted over a thousand generations.
Maybe you're right. In Episode 9, maybe we'll learn that the force can also allow people to travel through time, create matter from thin air, breath fire, break dance, or turn into Wookies. We'll learn that Chewy was once a Jedi who turned into a Wookie. There are no limits to how awesome everyone can be, no need for explanation, and if these changes are perceived as moronic to over half the viewing public, Disney shareholders won't perceive that as failure, and neither should we. After all, why wouldn't people who watch a movie for nostalgia embrace incoherent change and a frivolous portrayal of IP?