Yep, lol.
Superman’s cgi face was JL version of Cap’s Avengers helmet lol
Cavill is too good for WB and the DCEU. In fact, he's too cool to play Superman.
He should be James Bond. He'd be the new Roger Moore, but with muscles.
Joss is like a reverse Mr. Wolf or something. Studios call him when they want him to "clean up" the awesome work of directors before him and make everyone look stupid.
Cavill is too good for WB and the DCEU. In fact, he's too cool to play Superman.
He should be James Bond. He'd be the new Roger Moore, but with muscles.
Yeah I think he could be another Clooney who just laughs off the idiocy of his high profile superhero role and then continues on to bigger and better things.
He really does. Just watch him doing press for JL, he's always funny, charming, and says Bond like quips, while Affleck gets fatter because of depression.![]()
Yeah I was also thinking of the contrast to Affleck who seems to have taken WB's missteps as a soul crushing defeat rather than just laughing and saying "whatever" like Cavill and Clooney.
I like Cavil.. I think he's a great Superman, it's WB/DC that ruined the character. I liked Man from uncle. Hope he's around for quite awhile. He should come over to the MCU. I'm sure there's someone he can play in the future.
Ben Affleck is depressed because he had to go through this crap with Daredevil. He managed to bounce back from that near fatal career suicide. Then he made the same mistake twice... I'm sure he didn't think WB/DC could possibly ruin Batman a 2nd time... And I still don't like him as Batman....
Yes, I've got five great movies featuring Luke Skywalker (and four featuring Han and a whopping SIX with Leia thanks to RO.) I'm in a happy place indeed.![]()
Man I can almost accept you calling TLJ a great movie more then I can TFA... At least TLJ had some style.. I could never think of TFA as a great SW movie. Of course I feel the same about TLJ but at least I can respect what you saw in it. TFA is IMO the lesser SW film due to its lack of originality and lack of feeling like a true SW film.
Agreed. I might be a little too generous with the "great" label but I find it easy to just give it the same pass that I do ROTJ.
For me great SW = RO/SW/ESB
And really good SW (with some great moments in each) = TLJ/TFA/ROTJ
Just curios... What did you find "great" in TFA??
Forgot the best moment, Luke!![]()