My canon has no Dooku.

I watched TPM last night again for the first time since before TFA came out. Uh, yeah, it's still not a "good" film by any means, lol. And I realized that allowing it back into my canon it does add the lameness of "Darth is a title" and a dorky pre-ROTJ Jabba the Hutt. But...I found that completely severing it in my mind from AOTC/ROTS the stupid parts didn't really annoy me per se, they just made me shake my head a bit.
I do like the world building, I do like Maul (a LOT!), all the Gungan and Pod Racer antics are all pretty "Holidy Special-ish" and harmless IMO. Jake Lloyd sucks but at least he's so far removed from Vader and even a proper adult Anakin (who will always simply be a young Sebastian Shaw in my mind) that he almost plays like a different character and not worth too much fuss over. Nute Gunray is hilarious and as quotable as ever. In short...TPM still pretty much sucks (lol) but eh it's more a goofy lead in to the good stuff with a enough good stuff of it's own that for now I'm allowing it back into the fold. Oh yeah Neeson and McGregor and Queen Amidala are all pretty sweet too. It was fun seeing Aurra Sing again after her reference in Solo (standing on a ledge no less, I wonder if Beckett was sneaking up at that very moment, lol.)
So yeah with regard to quality as actual films TFA/TLJ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TPM.
But unless Episode IX seriously reconciles the sad endings of the main three characters (and I honestly just don't see how it can at this point, a smiling Harrison Ford ghost just isn't gonna cut it) then I'll actually take TPM as canon over the entertaining but ultimately saddening ST. As always we'll see.