"The Predator" by Shane Black (2018)

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Transformers and BvS > POTC 3,4, and 5

Of course that is not saying much :)

I only give POTC 2 credit for the great villain and CGI effects... Unfortunately some of my original enjoyment of the film is impacted by the god awful 3rd instalment

I really wish I had never started all of that Pirates nonsense now. Let's just pretend those movies don't exist and I will never bring them up in this section again unless it's an appropriate thread. :lol

I agree that the third one was awful (I hated what they did to Davy Jones and never cared for Beckett), but isn't that kind of like saying ESB wasn't good because of how mediocre ROTJ turned out? Make no mistake, I dislike ROTJ just as much for those awful Ewoks and sleepy Ford.

Wait.. Jye hates Pumpkinhead?

Well in all honesty its a great looking Monster in an average movie. Unlike Predator, Pumpkinhead as a film never lived up to its awesome creature design.

I personally like PH more than Predator. :nana:

In all seriousness, that's also fair, but I just don't really understand what differentiates a film like PH from Halloween 1978 as far as overall quality is concerned (and when looking at both films without nostalgia-tinted glasses). Like I said it's all fair, I just feel like most everything argued against that film could also be argued against not only H1 but also Friday the 13th or even the original Chainsaw if you analyzed them all deep enough. To me the only difference is that the aforementioned four films came out far earlier than PH, so as a result, PH just didn't feel very original nor did it really have the chance to build a dedicated cult following. However I am not saying any of those films are better than the others aside from Chainsaw which is an instance where I understand why others like it but it's just not my cup of tea all the same (never cared for Leatherface or screaming Marilyn Burns).

All IMO of course. :)

I recently gave PH another chance and just god awful what a waste of a great looking old hag lol

You of all people who made that Cannibal Campout disaster are going to critique horror? ;)

crap :lol :lol

If the first PH was bad I can only imagine the rest lol

Yes the sequels were trash but maybe you should watch those just to realize how wrong you are about the first. ;)

The second is just a horrible fan fiction with a lousey monster suit and the other two were sadly produced by Syfy and wasted a potentially decent plot with the third and the fourth is a unique breed of bad in its own right.

He wouldn't agree with everything I said, but if RIDDICK was still around, he would school you all on PH. :lol
[FONT=&][FONT=&]Just like any other masterpiece Predator is a result of all the lightning parts coming together in a bottle never to be duplicated ever again. [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]The difficult shooting location, an alien creature having no business looking and moving that good in such close up shots that it’s absolutely absurd that it was created in the 80’s before cgi, a charismatic womanizing muscle head super star, Apollo freaking Creed, one liners for the ages, camouflage effects perfectly married with the jungle setting, central america politics of the era (even though filmed in mexico), oscar worthy character interactions, love and celebration of USA military power, shock of witnessing said USA military power being so easily dismantled in the presence of a peasant female, man connecting with nature relying on primitive weapons, macho man vs macho alien show down. [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]That list can go on and on and when all those parts came together it transformed into a triple AAA B movie. [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]Aliens is another one as is Terminator 1 nothing can touch those 3 when it comes to the marriage of Action/Sci-fi/Horror not even The Thing because that’s not an action movie and T2 is no horror movie. [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]The beauty of it all is that the intricate layers involved with Predator 1 are woven so tightly together that it all seems very simple and accessible for everyone to follow but make no mistake about it that movie has layers as deep as a jungle. [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]Even the cigar had purpose. [/FONT][/FONT]

My friend...

This is what I saw when you came here with the smackdown

View attachment 425046


:lol :lol :lol

And like him I am always grainy and I walk funny :lol
Pumpkinhead is one of my favourite creature designs. The maquette still to this day is my ultimate grail that I'll likely never acquire. I have to agree on the movie though, although I find it decent and watchable it's no Predator for me.

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lol@ Bio always making me lulz when I need it the most which is almost every day lol

Chakor please please i’m begging you to never ever compare PH to Halloween 1 or F13th 1 ever again you are assaulting my eyes with those truly god awful words of yours lol

The soundtracks alone from H1/F13 already make those movies true classics of the genre before we even get to moving images.

They’re such classics they spawned franchises only thing PH spawned was me hitting the stop button on my remote control.

The elegance in H1 of having Forbidden Planet playing on the tv in the background and Carpenter literally using the music from Forbidden Planet to build tension for his scene is absurdly masterful in its execution.

F13th having the mother be the freaking killer, the Camp setting, the retarded boy it all just screamed high quality horror.

Halloween would never be the same again.

Going to camp would never be the same again.

jye would never be the same again.

P.S. Never apologize and be ashamed for liking any of the POTC movies, JAWS means you no harm lol

But please apologize immediately for what you said about my precious Cannibal Campout!

You mean bastard.
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Chakor doesn't like Chucky, Evil Dead 2 or Texas 1 either jye. What say we kidnap him, tie him up and make him marathon all the Wrong Turn movies as punishment. :lecture

Pumpkinhead is one of my favourite creature designs. The maquette still to this day is my ultimate grail that I'll likely never acquire. I have to agree on the movie though, although I find it decent and watchable it's no Predator for me.

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I bought the maquette before even seeing the movie until last year lol. Now, I sold the maquette a year before that, but I couldn't believe how awful it was. Total waste of a great monster creation.
Chakor doesn't like Chucky...

Truth be told I just personally cannot stand horror where a kid or something resembling a human kid is the villain (I.E., Child's Play, Pet Sematary, Exorcist, etc.). I would honestly rather listen to Jar Jar read the phone book.
lol@ Bio always making me lulz when I need it the most which is almost every day lol

Chakor please please i’m begging you to never ever compare PH to Halloween 1 or F13th 1 ever again you are assaulting my eyes with those truly god awful words of yours lol

The soundtracks alone from H1/F13 already make those movies true classics of the genre before we even get to moving images.

They’re such classics they spawned franchises only thing PH spawned was me hitting the stop button on my remote control.

The elegance in H1 of having Forbidden Planet playing on the tv in the background and Carpenter literally using the music from Forbidden Planet to build tension for his scene is absurdly masterful in its execution.

F13th having the mother be the freaking killer, the Camp setting, the retarded boy it all just screamed high quality horror.

Halloween would never be the same again.

Going to camp would never be the same again.

jye would never be the same again.

P.S. Never apologize and be ashamed for liking any of the POTC movies, JAWS means you no harm lol

But please apologize immediately for what you said about my precious Cannibal Campout!

You mean bastard.

Maybe my view is bias because that film was Stan Winston's first attempt at directing, but if not for him we would not even have the classic Predator design that we have today nor the brilliant Alien Queen. All I can say is that if Pumpkinhead is a horrible movie then we might as well add all of those others to the pile because I refuse to believe that they would all be masterpieces without a little bit of childhood nostalgia there to make them look better, lol. They are all great films in many regards, but I do not view them as masterpieces, personally.

But it is okay, we are all wired differently. :)
I personally like PH more than Predator. :nana:

In all seriousness, that's also fair, but I just don't really understand what differentiates a film like PH from Halloween 1978 as far as overall quality is concerned (and when looking at both films without nostalgia-tinted glasses). Like I said it's all fair, I just feel like most everything argued against that film could also be argued against not only H1 but also Friday the 13th or even the original Chainsaw if you analyzed them all deep enough. To me the only difference is that the aforementioned four films came out far earlier than PH, so as a result, PH just didn't feel very original nor did it really have the chance to build a dedicated cult following. However I am not saying any of those films are better than the others aside from Chainsaw which is an instance where I understand why others like it but it's just not my cup of tea all the same (never cared for Leatherface or screaming Marilyn Burns).

All IMO of course. :)

I don't know what to say about the Halloween comparison. Carpenters style, direction, and music take this to another level that Pumkinhead could only hope to achieve. And I don't hate the movie. Its just not even in the same league as Halloween. Ft13th is another story.. But I would rather watch Ft13th part 2 - 4 then Pumpkinhead. But I have always compared the F13th films to Comfort food :) I just feel nice and safe when I watch those :lol

Pumkinhead is OK. I love the monster and Lance is good in it. The teens are fine. It just is missing something.. I don't know what. I guess it's probably Stan;s lack of directing ability.. But I don't hat the film as much as Jye.. Not even close.

but if RIDDICK was still around

Where did Riddick go??
Maybe my view is bias because that film was Stan Winston's first attempt at directing, but if not for him we would not even have the classic Predator design that we have today nor the brilliant Alien Queen. All I can say is that if Pumpkinhead is a horrible movie then we might as well add all of those others to the pile because I refuse to believe that they would all be masterpieces without a little bit of childhood nostalgia there to make them look better, lol. They are all great films in many regards, but I do not view them as masterpieces, personally.

But it is okay, we are all wired differently. :)

There is some truth to what you say.

However... Had Halloween not been imitated so many times and peoples attentions spans not been destroyed I still think Halloween would stand up today.

Hell I did not like the film when I was a kid. I thought it was overrated.. I never got it why it was so big. I mean it was OK but nothing special.

But I always saw it in Pan and Scan VHS.

Then Came Widescreen.. And man.. Carpenter is Brilliant.

In the Pan and Scan VHS you never could see Michael's face "appear" behind her.. You just heard the Stinger because the Pan was on Jamies Face. There are many other scenes like this. Where you just did not get to see the full picture.

Point being
In a way I saw Halloween for the first time as an Adult.. And its just some great stuff.