1/6th Hot Toys The Last Jedi Poe Dameron

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I could see it being released as a Con exclusive at some stage, then it might sell better.

I'm feeling oversaturated with Star Wars now. Not only is it the OT stuff being released, it's also the PT, Han Solo, Rogue One and the ST. There's just too much and with the price of figures these days, I have to pick and choose which ones I really want to have.

Really don't care for Poe. I have Rey, Han, Stormtrooper Finn and Kylo from TFA, but haven't bought anything from TLJ. Might just wait for the final film to see how that goes.

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I can't believe this figure hasn't at least gone up for preorder yet. Poe is a major character. C'mon, Hot Toys. I know you barely touched Rogue One, but this is the "main" trilogy!
Yeah we definitely need Poe to pair with TLJ Leia in order to re-enact the scene where she scolds him for putting soldiers in harm's way during a war.
I can't believe this figure hasn't at least gone up for preorder yet. Poe is a major character. C'mon, Hot Toys. I know you barely touched Rogue One, but this is the "main" trilogy!

Death Star Trooper is a far bigger ommision than this guy.

I really want Baze still too. :(
Yeah we definitely need Poe to pair with TLJ Leia in order to re-enact the scene where she scolds him for putting soldiers in harm's way during a war.

He also led a full on mutiny just because he has zero patience and doesn't understand how the chain of command works, and was let off scott free when it failed, so swings and roundabouts... :lol
He also led a full on mutiny just because he has zero patience and doesn't understand how the chain of command works, and was let off scott free when it failed, so swings and roundabouts... :lol

Yep, not only did he lead a mutiny but he blabbed the plan (Holdo's fear all along) seconds after hearing it over the open airwaves within earshot of Benicio Del Toro who then gave the info to the FO which directly led to the deaths of 80% of the Resistance and Holdo herself.

And this even took place just one year after RO deliberately had Cassian state point blank how stupid it would be to announce sensitive data over the radio.
I would've been all in on this figure a while ago, but with time, I like The Last Jedi less and less, and I really don't care for Poe's mutiny plotline in it at all. I'm very "meh" on everything Star Wars currently, to be honest.

I'm wondering if Poe will be set back and released for 9 instead at this point.
I would've been all in on this figure a while ago, but with time, I like The Last Jedi less and less, and I really don't care for Poe's mutiny plotline in it at all. I'm very "meh" on everything Star Wars currently, to be honest.

I'm wondering if Poe will be set back and released for 9 instead at this point.
Thank you for telling everyone how much you don’t like it
I would've been all in on this figure a while ago, but with time, I like The Last Jedi less and less, and I really don't care for Poe's mutiny plotline in it at all. I'm very "meh" on everything Star Wars currently, to be honest.

I'm wondering if Poe will be set back and released for 9 instead at this point.

I actually found his storyline pretty compelling the first time watching it, as he butted heads with Holdo and it seemed like there really WAS something fishy going on (like Holdo being in league with the First Order) that required him to mutiny and take back the ship.

But alas, that's not what happened, and instead we got this forced lesson that might have worked thematically but just had too many plot holes to be credible.
The fact we are nearly three years from the release of TFA and this figure STILL hasn't even gone up for pre-order is beyond ridiculous now.
The fact Poe has been a peg warmer for Hasbro probably hasn’t helped things. Heck, we didnt get another Finn or Rose or Snoke either. Just Rey, Ben, Lukes, Leia, BBs, and a couple of troopers/guards. They had a much larger production for TFA. I guess even HT has to draw the line somewhere.
Yep, not only did he lead a mutiny but he blabbed the plan (Holdo's fear all along) seconds after hearing it over the open airwaves within earshot of Benicio Del Toro who then gave the info to the FO which directly led to the deaths of 80% of the Resistance and Holdo herself.

And this even took place just one year after RO deliberately had Cassian state point blank how stupid it would be to announce sensitive data over the radio.

They needed to do all this to set up Ackbar for the hero's death his character so rightly deserved:monkey3
The way Ackbars character was just snuffed out like that was lodricous and insulting to say the least. Mickey Mouse really did show the finger to us SW fans numerous times in TLJ.
The way Ackbars character was just snuffed out like that was lodricous and insulting to say the least. Mickey Mouse really did show the finger to us SW fans numerous times in TLJ.
This is Rian Johnson's writing. Pretty sure Disney has nothing to do with such "insignificant" plot details.

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This is Rian Johnson's writing. Pretty sure Disney has nothing to do with such "insignificant" plot details.

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Surely they had the last say on how the story was told / written? But agreed, Johnson is just as guilty.

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