Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Sol not finishing off qimir when he had the chance was too stupid. It was like they wanted the anakin Mace moment 'he's too dangerous too live' but Osha being able to convince Sol not to go through with it where Anakin failed. And Osha's solution was to let the moths carry him away for a nice little ride just so the writers could move qimir away conveniently without anyone of the remaining characters being hurt. Bad writing. Logic fail all round.

Just kill the sith. Lock down the crime scene. Analyse everything after and interrogate mae. Sol is far too emotional for a jedi following the code strictly, especially of this era when the jedi where at their most prevalent.
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Sol not finishing off qimir when he had the chance was too stupid. It was like they wanted the anakin Mace moment 'he's too dangerous too live' but Osha being able to convince Sol not to go through with it where Anakin failed. And Osha's solution was to let the moths carry him away for a nice little ride just so the writers could move qimir away conveniently without anyone of the remaining characters being hurt. Bad writing. Logic fail all round.

Just kill the sith. Lock down the crime scene. Analyse everything after and interrogate mae. Sol is far too emotional for a jedi following the code strictly, especially of this era when the jedi where at their most prevalent.
Sol has a weakness for Osha, this has been shown.

Anakin and Maces relationship is not comparable imo. Mace had it out for Anakin from day 0, he didn’t care about his opinion.

The moths were lame though.
Even the character poster description says “while some may call him a Sith…”

Definitely thinking he may not be one now. Given the Kylo Ren motifs playing at the end of the episode this may be providing more origins for the Knights of Ren, Qimir could be the first “Ren”. We’ve already seen one before Kylo in comics.

His helmet is also very much in the style of the Knights of Ren helmets.

I really do not get all of the hate for this show, but whatever. In part I know it's unfortunately just the times we're living in. Everyone's gonna have their opinion, however, letting other folks in an echo chamber tell you what to think is ridiculous.
  • I loved the original trilogy (my childhood).
  • Liked the prequels even when they weren't popular (midichlorians, cringy dialogue and stilted acting aside).
  • Not a fan of the sequels (tonally and narratively disjointed and a huge missed opportunity to create what could and should have been an epic legacy trilogy).
IMO Disney/Star Wars has been a mixed bag.
  • Mandalorian is great but probably should have wrapped by now (not sure if they actually have a roadmap). Not hugely excited about the Filoniverse movie, but maybe that will change.
  • Boba Fett was a letdown mostly due to poorly demystifying the main character. However, I did like a few of the character adds.
  • Andor was phenomenally written, directed and acted but not action packed (don't see a need for a season 2, but will watch).
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi was pretty good, but the story meandered, made some truly wonky choices, and didn't handle the Reva character well. Seek out the Patterson Cut, which I feel both tightens the narrative and solves a number of issues. Don't see a need for a season 2
  • Ahsoka is very good, but not great (I never watched Rebels so some things are lost on me)
  • The Acolyte is good. It's expanding the mythos; introducing new concepts, characters, and locations; has had excellent fight choreography; and hopefully is heading somewhere that will make sense. Conversely, the storytelling isn't as tight and polished as it should be; character development has been non-existent to relatively shallow; lacks the visual flair and expansiveness Star Wars should have; has had so-so acting performances (the episode that relied on the non-identical kid actors was particularly rough); and the Jedi of the era are clueless knuckleheads (which I think is the point).
Again, just my opinion.

You're never going to please everyone, especially when it comes to these major IPs like Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Star Trek, LotR, etc. And unfortunately factors like politics, social media (fueled by click chasers and clout chasers), toxicity, and review bombings, can detract from the experience. Not to mention the studios, which are motivated by profits above all, can make some mind bogglingly terrible decisions (Secret Invasion).

I just say, try to go in to any new series or movie with an open and neutral mindset. If you like it great. If you don't, there are literally hundreds of other choices. If you want to join in on a conversation in person, on a forum, or on social media (what we used to do at the bus stop), engage, explain and/or expand. And be respectful.
These are some of the consequences of hiring check boxes rather than qualified experienced talent. Budgets balloon due to the inability of inexperienced people to get things right the first time or in a timely matter. If they can even get them to look right at all.
I think it more due to Hollywood money laundering. They hire the inexperienced under the guise of "diversity" to save money... that they then pocket via some creative accounting.
Even the character poster description says “while some may call him a Sith…”

Definitely thinking he may not be one now. Given the Kylo Ren motifs playing at the end of the episode this may be providing more origins for the Knights of Ren, Qimir could be the first “Ren”. We’ve already seen one before Kylo in comics.

His helmet is also very much in the style of the Knights of Ren helmets.

View attachment 710587
Knights of Ren were never a thing in the ST…what SO ever!
Maybe Sol didn’t care about the fallen Jedi because as it turns out he is…are you ready…THE PHANTOM MENACE!!!
The leaks for next week are saying that Sol is actually an older version of the Sith guy posing as a Jedi and their timelines intersected via the World Between Worlds. :horror
They should have set the show around the time Sith went "extinct" to the Jedi's knowledge. How it all built up to that and then you can have Sith and Jedi without needing to make sure it doesn't contradict anything in the prequels.
At least we've still got the lightwhippy to look forward to.
Looked pretty good to me, and the actors put the work in.

The show isn't great but I feel some of the complaints are just complaints for the sake of it.

Theres a difference between looking good and meaning something. This was empty, souless. That fight was the Michael Bay version of a jedi fight. Less than a week has passed and its already forgotten.

Lesly has already said they will probably be no season 2. Nobody cares and they know.
