That's really petty. It's pathetic really..
I won't mince my words here.
Jaxon's sculpt is quite competent. He made it from scratch. He didn't just scan, and tweak, and call it a day..
That takes a great deal of passion, dedication, and skill. It's not perfect, and it's let down by a factory spray job. But it still costs 1/4 the price of OT's.
Even with all the boasting he does, there are still things I don't like about OT's sculpt. And I don't think he's comparable to Jaxon as an artist, let alone to many others in the space.
I'm hardcore about Batman Begins. I went with Unreal. And neither money, nor wait time had any influence on my decision. In fact, I gave OT's no mind next to Unreal's, and that was before I even heard all the horror stories.
Unreal's isn't perfect either in certain places, but dammit I just love it... I think it captures the character better than OT's. That's just my opinion. But one thing that's for certain, Lucky is a true gentleman. He's humble, kind, and professional at least.