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In my opinion the sculpts are one of the strongest parts of this figure, they are a bit on the soft side but the likeness is very good, the thing bringing it down is the paint.

Mondo managed to capture this expression very well, from the hair, to the eyes, the groove on the nose, the mouth.
View attachment 721374

Here's my poor attempt at trying to get a good picture of the sculpt with my crappy phone camera. It's pretty much a perfect representation of the shot above. A professional repaint would really make it shine.
View attachment 721373

However I really don't care for the frosty sculpt, it's such a waste of a second sculpt. They should've gone for a sculpt with googles and hat as seen in those test sculpts by Jrahmier.
View attachment 721375

I too think the sculpts are stronger than the previous heads that Jake painted. The paint doesn't help them and I also think that the original sculpts didn't account for the shrink and smoothing that PVC has on heads. The width of the face seems narrower than the prototype sculpts show. That's where HT is often more successful with theirs. I think they bake in the details and bloat needed for replication in PVC.
Stuck in DHeLL :devil

K - to yourself and anyone else that is still suffering from this . . .

It suddenly occurred to me that mine (along with the delivery I had a few weeks back via DHL) was NOT delivered by DHL.

It was in fact a "white van man" (as we call them in the UK) - an unmarked van that I'm guessing is a local courier that DHL use for convenience or cost saving.

This would explain the delays and repeated weird notifications, as they try to arrange things with a local courier.

No guarantees this is what is causing your issues - but since I also had tracking problems with my previous delivery (although not as drastic), I'm pretty confident that's what happened with mine.

I was told at San Diego Comic Con that there's an accessory pack planned for Mac. It may contain a bottle of Scotch, dynamite, a hat, more hands, and at least one more form of the Thing.
They didn't by chance mention including a really nice jacket and suitable body in this accessory pack, did they? I can only speak to myself but I would probably take that over a bottle of Scotch.

DHL tracking said they made a delivery attempt, which was bs because I work from home and nobody came to the door. When I called DHL, they said the driver didn't attempt delivery because he didn't have my buzzer number. I live in a house. They apologized and said they will reschedule for tomorrow. Argh.