1/6 Hot Toys- HONO STUDIO- Iron Man

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More yuck that the prototype is covered in dust and pubes :lol
I don’t think it is a pube (don’t know, don’t want to know) but this may indicate that this colored silicone material may be kind of sticky and more prone to picking up “particles”.

Probably not a deal breaker for most since it seems like people on this forum are really excited about this release, but probably something to be aware of and prepare in some way. Probably won’t be an issue for folks who have their figures behind glass.

Btw I think this looks great but I am not picking this up BW use of my one figure per character rule and I don’t really have any other “classic” figures and don’t want to start some sub-collection. That said this is the Iron Man I grew up with so it is very tempting.
I just saw Jedha Patrol's video and it also showed the face mask when looking up close also had similar flakes to the legs but to a lesser extent. It might just be the paint application for the metallic look on the prototype. Or it could be dust mixed in when the paint was sealed.
When I first saw this, it looked okay, then I saw it in some photos at Secret Base and it looks so good. The price is what it is, but a BRAND new body, seamless, and has some special features.

I am coming around to the price being justified..get it for like 215 shipped USD so happy.
This loooks great! At first I was like meh. Give us better stuff but he looks pretty damn good!
Finally HT is doing comic figure correctly under the Hono banner. Can't wait for the others like Cap, Hulk, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Thor, Cyclops, I'd definitely take Ghost Rider, and Doctor Strange if done. Comic versions will be amazing. I hope they do DC comics also later so we get classic comic characters.
Finally HT is doing comic figure correctly under the Hono banner. Can't wait for the others like Cap, Hulk, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Thor, Cyclops, I'd definitely take Ghost Rider, and Doctor Strange if done. Comic versions will be amazing. I hope they do DC comics also later so we get classic comic characters.
Ughhh my wallet.
Ughhh my wallet.
We'll be partially broke since these will stay at $150-250 range I'm hoping at least. Now certain characters like Hulk, Ghost Rider will probably cost $300 range because the size of classic Hulk and GR Hellcycle.
This Iron Man looks like he walked out of the comics. Very well done and looks so awesome. I am not partial to this armor though. If they do Silver Centurion I will have to pick him up. Looking forward to more comic looking figures from this line.
This Iron Man looks like he walked out of the comics. Very well done and looks so awesome. I am not partial to this armor though. If they do Silver Centurion I will have to pick him up. Looking forward to more comic looking figures from this line.
Always hated the Silver Centurion armor myself , only other paint scheme I liked on IM is the original grey or stealth .
I wonder what the odds of a modular Iron Man might be...

I never thought it had a chance, but now I'm thinking it's far more feasible.
This is the version I grew up with.
Ugh, looks like seamless stuff.
But, better than previous seamless stuff given that this is medical grade silicone rather than the previous rubber they used to use.