1/6 Batman: TAS figures coming from Mondo...

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What should the figures cost? I think ALL 1/6 are over priced. Hot Toys should be less than 240 for example.

Third parties should be 99-150 depending...

Mondo BTAS are fully scuplted, sculpting is more costly than clothing, but I think 220-250 is too high myself, yet, plastic costs more and they include 3-5 heads typically.
I don’t know. To me they’re essentially just scaled up versions of retail figures. Exposed joints, sculpted rather than real cloth outfits, etc.

I’d be more comfortable with them at like $150-$175. Even then it’s still high but would be easier to justify. Obviously I don’t set the prices but to me they seem high for what they are.
I don’t know. To me they’re essentially just scaled up versions of retail figures. Exposed joints, sculpted rather than real cloth outfits, etc.

I’d be more comfortable with them at like $150-$175. Even then it’s still high but would be easier to justify. Obviously I don’t set the prices but to me they seem high for what they are.
$175 For me
I mean when you really think about it McFarlane Multiverse figures are what- $25-$30ish? Fairly close quality wise (actually McFarlane may have better QC from what I’ve seen). Big difference is they’re about half the scale. Mondo comes with slightly more accessories maybe so I could see a bit of a bump, but not that much.
I’m surprised Mondo is doing all the villains but haven’t made Robin yet.
Personally, I hope they will just keep ignoring Robin and Batgirl in favour of all the rogues they have yet to get to. Much more interesting.
Obviously (and sadly), I don’t expect to see him before some of the other heavy hitters (Two-Face, Riddler, Penguin, Croc), but I’d love to see Mondo do the Ventriloquist/Scarface. That character's silhouette alone is so much more interesting than what any of the remaining bat family have to offer.

Also hate that any Batman: The Animated Series figures have to have the cel shaded look. I don’t think it translates to figure form well and I wish both Mondo and McFarlane would get away from it.
The cel shading can be very hit or miss, I agree. Mondo has toned it down quite a bit and it mostly works really well in the newer releases. Just looking at Joker’s backside, I’m so glad they aren’t doing it that heavy-handedly anymore.
looking forward to batman beyond, one of my favourites
either getting the mondo or the hot toys but mondo is more show accurate

In response to a viewer’s question on the most recent Mondo Toy Talk, Hector Arce (Creative Director) touched on Robin, saying they’re getting through a lot of the BTAS rogues gallery and that “a good guy is probably due at some point,” in a tone that heavily implies "some point" to mean in the near future.

If the video doesn't start at the relevant part skip to 59:50

I could see them revealing a prototype at DesignerCon in November.
Tomasz Rozejowski, who sculpts and paints for Mondo, has had a Robin concept on his Instagram since January.

Here's Alex Brewer, who also sculpts for Mondo, commenting on Tom's concept.


6:50 for some Poison Ivy talk.
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Mine too…
The tracking say that the figure is shipped from china…very strange
Bane and my Daria figures shipped.

I noticed Mondo ships direct from China now with DHL. It used to be with UPS about a year ago but I forget where the shipments used to originate.
DHL usually delivers very fast. I assume it's coming by plane? Might be here in a couple days....depending how Mondo ships things.
Anybody else had any movement on their tracking for this? I got the tracking number email a few days ago, but there's been no movement whatsoever since then. It's stuck at "Shipment Information received".
Still in China for me...and there is a week long Chinese holiday coming up starting today 🥴