I think the BD T2 next to my T1 figure will encapsulate the two films really well. It's a nice contrast. The killer & the protector.Though I love T1 and its horror film genetics,
I’m unsure if I’d add a T1 T-800 to the collection.
Perhaps if the 2.0 they inevitably make is a vast improvement over the original, I could possibly see myself purchasing.
I just think the two films are vastly different.
T2 is the more heartfelt story, and is a better representation of the Arnold character.
I love how Connor says as she’s observing him,
that out of anyone in her son's life,
the T-800 was the only one to measure up.
That’s the character to me, a father figure.
The entire scene where John is talking to him and realizing he’s ordered to do as he says, as he just stands there. It is the epitome of a parental figure, being there regardless of the naivety of the kid in the moment.
So ultimately I’m torn on which route to take here,
do I go -
- T2 T-800 BD 2.0
- T2 T-800 Clean 2.0 + T2 T-800 BD 2.0
I don’t believe I’ll be ordering all three, just don’t feel the need to dedicate that amount of space to the film. Most likely, I’ll pick up two of the three. I’ve already PO the T-800 BD so that version is coming home.
- T2 T-800 BD 2.0 + T2 T-1000 2.0
This is an old photo from 5 or 6 years ago. The figure is currently in storage. I did clipperking's neck mod and it made a world of difference to the overall presence, but it also caused a slight crack in the back of the neck over time. And I have no idea how the jacket's holding up. It seemed to show some early signs of deterioration when last I checked.
After watching T2 last night, I think the BD will do fine as my sole representation of the film. Surprisingly, as much as I love what Robert Patrick brought to the character, I didn't feel a need to have a figure representation. I would say the portrayal itself is more iconic than the character if that makes sense.
If I'm to choose a 2nd, I'd go with the uncle Bob figure.
If it comes with an extra grey shirt and the machine gun, it'll be even more tempting to get.