Hot Toys DX46: Terminator 2: Judgment Day - T-800 (Battle Damaged Version 2.0)

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I doubt HT will give us a proper
reflective surface on the areas of
exposed Endoskeletion like this -

View attachment 731766

So I’ll probably source the best
mirror liquid metal paint I can find.

It’s possible, and would bring it to life.

The tricky part is balancing a proper
realistic blood effect, light passing,
lots of thin spread streaks, around in crevices,
but also getting it to sit right
on a mirror surface.

Too bad actual metal parts in the
sculpt isn’t really something for the scale.

Wish the battle damaged left arm
incorporated die-cast at least like the
old EB 1:4.
james cameron film GIF by Tech Noir
I know it's a very subjective question but, in your opinion, if I have to invest in a single figurine, is it better to take the clean version or the BD ? I have the impression that the clean one is more "emblematic" and "characteristic" of the saga... but the BD version seems so well finished with all these little details, the blood etc.... cruel dilemma...😅
Clean personally. It’s the film poster, the main look for the film, and it’s not just Arnold to me, it’s a T-800 that was sent back in time to protect John, which Arnold portrayed perfectly.
Man i really wish they'd fix the size of those grenades. It makes a real difference.
They surely know they've been providing inaccurate, undersized grenades on all their T-800 figures. If they have eyes, they know. They're making a choice here. A choice of providing grenades that can actually be loaded into the M79. But considering that's the same choice they made last time (DX13) and the time before that (DX10) I wish they'd have made a different choice this time - larger grenades, spaced in the bandolier according to the movie.
I'm going to make the "purists" scream but are we really obliged to make associations of figurines? 🤪

Because for me, at the beginning, the idea was to please myself by offering myself a single, slightly "luxurious" figurine, my very first HT, by choosing the one that really represents something in my heart... to which I will be able to associate emotions, the memory and the wonder of a child of having gone to see T2 at the cinema with my father when it came out in 1992 in Toulouse (south of France)... really THE figurine that means something if you see what I mean...
Well, after I say that but I know what it's like to be a collector and there's a good chance that the temptation to make associations will be really too strong... even if the budget is more than tight! 😅
Right there with you.

I buy the characters and look (or looks) I prefer most, regardless of perceived coherence between characters. Unless you want to make scene specific dioramas where a lack of accuracy would bother you, buying "matching" characters is really just a completionist mindset getting into the way of getting the look you actually prefer on its own. That's not to say that some like that continuity and that may actually overrule the individual preference, but then it's a conscious choice instead of the compulsive collector behavior coming through (which we all have in some form or another of course).
Clean personally. It’s the film poster, the main look for the film, and it’s not just Arnold to me, it’s a T-800 that was sent back in time to protect John, which Arnold portrayed perfectly.
I totally agree with you...and yet I just pre-ordered the BD version! 🤣...impossible to decide so I chose the one that made me feel the most emotional while watching the movie with the final scene in the foundry. But I'm still going to torture my mind for several more days to know if I made the right choice 😂

This really encapsulates things for me: the T800 at the height of his powers, he is a "young" man, on a very powerful machine. In the wind on a Los Angeles? night, he is all but invincible, looking good and perhaps enjoying his freedom. Footloose if not quite fancy-free.
And here, we see one extremely angry robot. He's a robot - but mad. Can robots be mad? This one sure is. Temper, temper. This guy has f888ed up his day one time too many. He's OVER. IT. And this makes him very human.


[nice gifs, Nick!]
And here, we see one extremely angry robot. He's a robot - but mad. Can robots be mad? This one sure is. Temper, temper. This guy has f888ed up his day one time too many. He's OVER. IT. And this makes him very human.

View attachment 731894

[nice gifs, Nick!]
That's another reason why T2 will always be my favourite movie of all time. It has incredible writing mixed with setpiece after setpiece of jawdropping physical action and effects.
Back in Hot Toys' original run with T2 we speculated about all sorts of stuff we thought they should make - like the exploded Pretzel man T-1000. :lol Of course we know Hot Toys a bit better now. No way they'd even attempt that.
Back in Hot Toys' original run with T2 we speculated about all sorts of stuff we thought they should make - like the exploded Pretzel man T-1000. :lol Of course we know Hot Toys a bit better now. No way they'd even attempt that.
The exploding body before he falls in I wouldn’t see them try. But the torn head like above might be a possibility or the donut head.

They tried this with the original (although it was when the T-1000 was attempting to gather itself here). They’d be remised to not attempt at least one deformed sculpt for it with how much they’ve improved since then.

Probably the best scene in the film.
That will be my pose for the clean version.

As much as I like the aesthetic of him holding the box of roses as they spill to the floor, it just doesn’t get anymore iconic than him stood in the frame of that elevator shot gun raised while it plays out in slow motion.
The exploding body before he falls in I wouldn’t see them try. But the torn head like above might be a possibility or the donut head.

The 2 issues they'd face with Pretzel Man are that it'd be a one-off body and thus not economical for them and secondly the difficulty of how to blend the fabric clothes part of the figure with the liquid metal.

They tried this with the original (although it was when the T-1000 was attempting to gather itself here). They’d be remised to not attempt at least one deformed sculpt for it with how much they’ve improved since then.

I'd be disappointed not to see the (fully) split head and a 2.0 Donut head - they've done the Pescadero ''healing'' head before and it's not one I need to see redone - unless they're feeling really generous and are willing to provide 4 headsculpts in which case, great, make 'em all.

That will be my pose for the clean version.

As much as I like the aesthetic of him holding the box of roses as they spill to the floor, it just doesn’t get anymore iconic than him stood in the frame of that elevator shot gun raised while it plays out in slow motion.

Yeah I have my DX10 in this pose. Although *gasp* I have him wearing the grey T-shirt, inaccurate to the scene.
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They’ve got to do the fully split head this time right? Since the inclusion of the arms, which should be
die-cast this time but.

Fully split head, donut head, main sculpt,
and biker helmet and I’m in forsure.

I’m weird about costumes haha.
I don’t like the outfit Arnie wears at the beginning of T1 towards the climax so I wouldn’t get that,
though I do like the look from the final act.
And of course the T1 Endoskeleton.

With T2, I prefer all black for the clean look,
and of course the grey shirt for the fully BD look.

Not really a fan of the grey shirt pre Cyberdyne
before BD, not as cool. Not as Terminator.
Think of it this way. If you don't have room for a clean T-800, and a T-800 Endoskeleton, then BD T-800 gives you a bit of both worlds.
I guess the new 2 HS from this won't be compatible with the old body from DX13? All of new HT head use a different plug now
With the genuine leather and updated proportions here, what makes you want to use the old body?
Both arms on the BD version are seamless also.