2024 Wrap Up Thread Best/Worst/2025

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Super Freak
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
All right, let’s wrap up the collecting year. What were your:
top 5 figures you received
Top 5 disappointments in collecting this year
Top five things you are looking forward to in 2025 for collecting?
My top five figures
1. Bane
2. Rotj vader
3. Rotj c3po
4. Aotc anakin
5. Aotc C3po

Top 5 disappointments
1. No bespin han
2. No bespin escape leia and it possibly being artisan/exclusive
3. The onslaught of exclusives and 2.0s
4. The horrible sideshow que system
5. The phantom menace anniversary

Looking forward to:
1. Endor han
2. Esb Chewbacca
3. The sideshow scum and villainy line
4. Dark empire luke
5. Terminator line

And go…
Top 5:
  • DX28 Vader
  • Crosshair
  • (Only got those 2 this year)
Top disappointments:
  • TPM Anniversary being lacklustre
  • The lack of awareness to read the room by HT - too many SW exclusives
Looking forward to:
  • Collecting more SW prequel-stuff, new stuff and 2.0. Hopefully a sculpted Anakin 2.0.
My top five figures in hand
1. Rotj vader
2. Kenobi vader
3. Umbra trooper
4. Kenobi in Mandalorian armor
5. Imperial commando

Supposedly Sideshow is shipping artisan Joker very soon, if that gets here before end of year that will probably snag #1.

Top 5 disappointments
1. Asmus balrog, fortunately got my money back. Trainwreck product vs a good looking prototype.
2. The horrible sideshow que system
3. The onslaught of limited exclusives and 2.0s tho I get why rooted hair figures are hard to do runs of past a few thousand.
4. Pleather
5. Pleather

Looking forward to:
1. Artisan Joker/Dark empire artisan Luke
2. Revan
3. Grievous
4. any new OT announcements & Maul 2.0 shipping
5. Sith 20th announcements
Top 5 of 2024:

1. Kenobi Vader
2. Baylan Skoll
3. Padawan Anakin
4. Tech
5. Chopper

Top 5 Disappointments:

1. Mace Windu head sculpt
2. Where the f*** is Cal Kestis
3. Hardcase not up for pre-order
4. Where the f*** is Cal Kestis
5. Shin Hati didn’t release with Baylan

Looking forward to:

1. Clones coming home - Fives, Echo, Wolffe
2. Andor season 2 - hopefully Cassian/Luthen figures
3. Endor Han - will finally have the guy on the shelf
4. Baddie Shin standing next to Baylan
5. Hopefully something cool for ROTS 20th that we haven’t already seen. Chancellor Palpatine? Aayla Secura? Commander Gree?
I only received 6 figures this year, so TOP 5:
InArt Aragorn
InArt Gandalf
Mars Nicholson Joker Mob Boss
Mars Carrey Riddler

Fortunately, I stayed away from receiving anything I didn't like.

2025 looking forward to:
HT Grievous
New HT Chewbacca
Artisan Sparrow
Top figures received:
1. Inart Batman
2. HT Final Swing Suit Spiderman
3. HT Mace Windu

Top Dissapointments:
1. No Artisan Qui Gon 2.0 announcement
2. Delayed Inart Batman release
3. Not securing Artisan Anakin and no sculpted option offered
4. No revised sculpt for Mace Windu like was done for other releases
5. No Artisan Leia announcement from any of the movies

Looking forward to:
1. Artisan Jack Sparrow release
2. ROTS Chancellor Palpatine announcement
3. ROTS Obi Wan 2.0 announcement
4. Darth Maul 2.0 release
5. D&W Wolverine release
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Best of the year: HT ROTJ Vader
Disappointment of the year: HT Mace Windu
Looking forward to: Endor Han Solo

Everything else:
Best of the year: Threezero Rambo 2
Disappointment of the year: HT Catwoman
Looking forward to: HT T2 line
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So is dark empire Luke and Starkiller the only figures so far announced with nylon suits? If there is any figure released with pleather suits after these two it will retroactively be my 1-5 disappointments whether I'm interested in the figures or not.
It could be anything.
Well then.

Top 5 of 2024:

1. InArt Gandalf the Grey
2. Kenobi Vader
3. InArt Harry Potter
4. InArt Aragorn
5. Baylan Skoll

Top 5 Disappointments:

1. Mace Windu head sculpt
2. InArt continued QC issues
3. LimToys delays
4. InArt prices skyrocketing
5. Where the f*** is Cal Kestis

Top 5 Looking forward to:
1. Snape/Sirius/Dumbledore from InArt
2. Clones coming home - Fives, Echo, Wolffe, Sinker
3. Imminent Limtoys releases - Nathan Drake and John Marston
4. Endor Han - will finally have a figure of the guy
5. Limtoys announcements - Joel/Ellie/Dutch/Sully?
Top 5 figures received:

• INART Batman
• Hot Toys Alien Ripley MMS366 (holy grail)
• Hot Toys/OT Customs Batman Begins kitbash
• Hot Toys Bane 2.0
• Hot Toys ROTJ (my ESB kitbash) Vader

Top 5 disappointments in collecting this year:

• No INART Daenerys PO
• Hot Toys ROTS Sidious portrait likeness/expression is terrible (still PO’ed… settling)
• Hot Toys (Disney) lazily renewing DMTNT license vs obtaining ideal Curse of the Black Pearl license for new Jack Sparrow figure (still PO’ed DMTNT version… settling again)
• Hot Toys only announcing (2) TPM 25th anniversary figures. 2!? No tan B1 at least? It’s been shown off at prior booths.
• Endor Han not being ‘Bespin Han’ (my fav OT character/outfit for him) *only collecting Empire for my OT display. Still stoked for this release though, never thought it’d happen and I’ll still be able to see it in hand and get my fix.

Top 5 things to look forward to in 2025:

• Hot Toys ROTS 20th anniversary announcements (hoping for Vader, Chancellor Palpatine DX set w/ dual sculpts, more Jedi and the real clone commanders. No more TCW CCs, please)
• INART POs that I’m interested in (hoping for Daenerys, TDK Batman, BvS Batman, FOTR Frodo & Sam)
• Receiving INART Paul in hand!
• Can Hot Toys – preferably INART – do something with T1?
• Receiving the PO’ed Prequels figures (Grievous, Maul 2.0 and ROTS Sidious)
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Top 5 (in no order)
-Umbara ARC Trooper
-Clone Wars General Kenobi
-Padawan Anakin
-OWK Darth Vader
-2022 The Batman

Top 5 Disappointments
-Lack of TPM reveals, though I probably wouldn't of gotten all of them, I think the regular tan B1 battle droids and a Padawan Kenobi would of made sense for the anniversary.
-Exclusives, this appears to be a big thing going forward, so Hot Toys can guarantee sales. I think with niche characters (Mando Kenobi, which is awesome), it works, but for army building characters to get this treatment, just doesn't make sense.
-Artisan Anakin experience was a joke
-Mace Windu head sculpt, I don't hate it like a lot here do, but for a character of this magnitude to come out as disappointing as he did is a bummer.
-The laziness when it came to the Republic Commandos

Top 5 Things Looking Forward to
-ROTS reveals, this is going to be an expensive year for PT collectors, they already started with the anniversary with Kisto, Sideous and Plo.
-Fives, Echo and Wolffe, some of the biggest named clones will finally be in our collections
-General Grievous
-Overall just seeing if they expand on exclusives or keep it at the same pace it was this year
-Thinning the collection a bit

Unfortunately my entire collection is going into storage in the next month or so, but I'll continue to collect 1/6 and any 1/4 statues that catch my eye. Going back to graduate school and need to move closer so renting out my condo for the next year or so. Good for my career and future, bad for my man cave.
Ratcheted down collecting.

Highlights -
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Finding a pristine DX ROTS Obi at a price that didn't make me sick
Picking up a Mando Scout Trooper at 30% off
PlayToys Padme
InArt Aragorn portrait/weapons
Black Widow Artisan order
Honorable mention being a statue: WETA's spectacular White Tree/Guard

Missing Jack Sparrow Artisan and HT's awful system:censored
InArt Aragorn hair/costume materials (some)
Seeing stuff I paid full price for at big discounts :rolleyes: :censored
No ASMUS Thranduil or HT Winter Soldier release (yet):monkey2

Looking forward to:
Andor figs
ASMUS Thranduil
Winter Soldier V2
Possibly Thunderbolts figs
Potential Qui-Gon release
Anything on PO getting in hand, including Obi-Wan 1/4 statue, BW Artisan, Jack Sparrow DX, SW Artisan, InArt Legolas and HT Dewback, Baylan
Possibly Gambit, Blade, Elektra

Unfortunately my entire collection is going into storage in the next month or so, but I'll continue to collect 1/6 and any 1/4 statues that catch my eye. Going back to graduate school and need to move closer so renting out my condo for the next year or so. Good for my career and future, bad for my man cave.

Yeah, I gotta start packing for a potential move - sux. :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 Basically will be opening stuff and repacking.
I just got Pike, TNG Picard and Data this year. Next year I'm looking forward to receiving Jack Sparrow, Han Solo and hopefully seeing Andor and ROTS Obi-Wan 2.0 announced.

Something for Batman Begins 20th anniversary, Daredevil Born Again figures, more TNG and DS9, and possibly Sarah Connor and T1 2.0's.
Top 5:
  • InArt Aragorn
  • InArt The Batman
  • HT Spider-Man 2099
  • HT Darth Vader
  • HT Anakin Skywalker
  • HT Mace Windu
  • HT Imperial Commando
  • HT John Wick 4
Looking forward to:
  • InArt Paul Atreides
  • HT Fives and Echo
  • HT Sabine
  • HT Jinx
  • HT Rain and Andy (hopefully)
Top 5
JPT Hunter Slayer (2 figures in this set)
JPT Knell (an absolutely amazing figure)
JPT Silent Hound
Custom Billy Eilish

Looking really forward to InArt Paul in the stillsuit
and really looking forward to OneToys Jinx. Maybe 2026 for VI seeing it’s from Hot Toys won’t release for quite some time.
Top 5:
  • HT ROTJ Vader
  • HT OWK Vader
  • HT Artisan Joker
  • HT Anakin Skywalker
Honorable mentions:
  • HT OWK 501st Clone, really like how this turned out
  • HT Umbra Trooper

  • HT Mace Windu
  • Considering canceling my order for DKT armory, kinda disappointed from what I have seen.
  • Phantom menance anniversary
Looking forward to:
  • HT ROTJ Solo
  • HT Fives and Echo
  • HT 104th troopers
  • HT Grievous
  • HT Jack Sparrow
  • HT Maul 2.0
I mainly got troopers so my top 5 are:
1 Umbra ARC (was this year wasn't it?)
2 Tech
3 range trooper
4 mando wan kenobi
5 Starkiller (not yet bought but based on reviews it looks good and finally we get TFU stuff)

Was great seeing that this year saw some long overdue prototypes (such as Range Trooper) get realeased from figure purgatory. We also saw some very much unexpected releases such as Revan, Starkiller, BT-1, 0-0-0 etc along with team completion (Bad Batch wasnt just 3 members then cancelled line). The lower production numbers increased stress as did the over-abundance of limited exclusives but overall wait times from PO to realease was shortened which was nice. The move away from pleather has been very welcome also.

Biggest let downs
1 slim jim commandos
2 too many limited exclusives
3 barely any TPM stuff for anniversary
4 death star trooper teased with no po again
5 releasing some figures with expensive vehicles only (Appo, ARF trooper, Heavy trooper)


Biggest hopes going forward
1: more accuracy for troopers (less blending realistic and animated designs especially)
2: ROTS line going deep
3: proper game commandos
4: more figures unleashed from prototype purgatory
5: more out of nowhere surprise figure choices.

All in all it has been anamazing year for Star Wars but it did highlight HT's worst traits in the process (over-reliance on limited exclusives, lack of an eye for detail and accuracy that comes accross as intentional, lack of figures of key characters, teasing then never putting up for order new figures even as some older prototypes get put into production etc etc.

The move away from pleather, including moving eyes, switching to USB for power etc are all things that folk are happy about (even if the USB sabers suck as bad as the battery ones) so nice to see some innovation from HT.

2025 could be a heavy year for PO's so we better prepare our wallets.
Top 5 Figures
1. Joker 1966 (Mars)
2. Savvik (Exo-6)
3. Kruge (Exo-6)
4. Mantis (Hot Toys)
5. Data (Exo-6)

Top 5 Disappointments
1. No Death Squad Commander
2. No Bespin Han Solo
3. No Alien Big Chap
4. No Snowtrooper Commander
5. Dearth of O/T figures

Top 5 Biggest Hopes for 2025
1. Exo-6 should release some amazing and very desired figures. Hoping for Wrath of Khan Kirk, Spock, Bones and Khan. The Undiscovered Country Chang and Valaris. Deep Space Nine Weyoun, Dukat, Jadzia, and anyone else. Next Generatuon. TOS.
2. Regular and Battle Damaged Catwoman from “Batman Returns.”
3. Deluxe 2 pack Riddler (1966 Frank Gorshin)
4. Burgess Meredith Penguin 1966 and Alfred (1966 Batman).
5. Return of the Jedi Han Solo, Empire Chewbacca and Sandtrooper. Sideshow Walrus Man.