Kathleen Kennedy might not be retiring this year after all

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Star Trek is on its way out too.

Not a single real fan under the age of 40, and hasn't been able to attract new fans.

Old Trekkies are dying and leaving behind mountains of unsellable Trek merch that nobody wants and families will have to dispose of.
Star Trek kinda sucks compared to Star Wars tho.

Oops do Star Wars and Star Trek fans still fight?
Really? Well damn no wonder Star Wars got so big. That’s all people had back then.

Star Wars changed the game tho and before the ST everybody to it as this huge worldwide thing when the movies would hit. The hype around TPM was crazy. I’ve never seen three fast food restaurants advertise the same thing before

That was artificial hype. It wasn't genuine in the sense that the real movies were in the 80s, or even the prequels.

(Edited...thought you meant the hype for ST. The hype for TPM was indeed real!)

There's just plain too much crap out there now.

We used tog et ONE big movie a year. That's it. For an entire year, you'd get ONE T2. Then ONE Jurassic Park.

Nothing will ever matter the way it used to cause there's just too many options for fickle audiences with short attention spans.

Once we get personalized on-demand AI movies perfected, the film industry as we it is going to collapse in a way that will make the Covid years seem like the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Really? Well damn no wonder Star Wars got so big. That’s all people had back then.
I remember my girlfriend of a time -- who had never seen Star Wars until getting with me -- asked me a genuine question: "Star Wars was that big?" LOLOL ... I had to look up footage from the late 70s and early 80s to demonstrate what an impact it had back then. And she wasn't even *that* young, like ... around 30 years old when she asked me that in 2012 or so?

Those times are long gone.

I think one day people are going to look at it like its actual DNA -- quaint Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers serials from a dead era. When I take my nostalgia goggles off A New Hope looks dated and janky as hell a lot of the time. Although the Special Edition is much worse with its laughable, forced in CGI.
That was artificial hype. It wasn't genuine in the sense that the real movies were in the 80s, or even the prequels.

(Edited...thought you meant the hype for ST. The hype for TPM was indeed real!)

There's just plain too much crap out there now.

We used tog et ONE big movie a year. That's it. For an entire year, you'd get ONE T2. Then ONE Jurassic Park.

Nothing will ever matter the way it used to cause there's just too many options for fickle audiences with short attention spans.

Once we get personalized on-demand AI movies perfected, the film industry as we it is going to collapse in a way that will make the Covid years seem like the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Yes once ai becomes perfected you can kiss the movie industry good bye. I’m serious some of the ai videos look way too good. There’s no stopping someone from making a whole movie just from ai. Scary times.
Old Hollywood is already coming apart... but user-generated AI movies on demand will do to Hollywood what Napster did to the music industry.
Most of my work is actually TV rather than features. I selfishly hope the industry at least holds together another decade or so. At any rate, there's only so much I can worry about things out of my control.
Howdy duty? The puppet? I think Star Wars has more of an impact than that thing. It was a puppet. lol.

I mean Star Wars changed the game. Anime just got big but it wasn’t her fault always huge imo. I do think kids love video games and anime now but that’s no one’s fault but Disney. If they put out stuff that was cool then kids would like it. Baby yoda was a hit for a long time.
Star Wars not only changed the game, it became the game. The game was now "do another Star Wars."

For the 80s and 90s there was very little actual competition, although many tried. "Star Trek" was the closest, and even that only survived by making the movies super cheap.

The PT in early 00s had to battle LOTR and Spider-man and some others, but still managed to get butts in seats and sell toys. Not as many, but a respectable amount. But it was already a franchise in decline.

But now Star Wars has been swallowed by the game it created, and has to fight off other properties even within the same parent company for the attentions of the youth. Even if the movies and shows were perfect it would be an uphill battle.

So no, I don't buy the idea that it can recapture the glory days if only they had better stories. The general public moved on a long time ago, and only dips back in out of curiosity (TFA, baby yoda).
You guys are all naming franchises that were phenomenal...until crashing down under their own bloat. Producers and studios don't seem to be learning the lesson.

Most of us love the NFL...would you still watch it if the season was 30 games?

Producers and studios thinking that people want more more more and the answer is to give more but it isn't. Give less with higher quality and some originality from time to time that is familiar but different. That formula never fails.
I used to feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football every time this came up. But I don't think there even is a football anymore.

i'm just glad Sonic is thriving. But this is why I think it's impotant to give certain things a break so that we can miss it. I mean how long since Jp3 did we get JW? It was a good while and when JW hit it made huge amounts of money. So much so that it overtook avengers at the box office. I think the probalem was the stupid plan they had was to release star wars movies every year instead of just trying to tell something great

I mean they rushed into it so heavily they pretty much destroyed the brand.
That was artificial hype. It wasn't genuine in the sense that the real movies were in the 80s, or even the prequels.

(Edited...thought you meant the hype for ST. The hype for TPM was indeed real!)

There's just plain too much crap out there now.

We used tog et ONE big movie a year. That's it. For an entire year, you'd get ONE T2. Then ONE Jurassic Park.

Nothing will ever matter the way it used to cause there's just too many options for fickle audiences with short attention spans.

Once we get personalized on-demand AI movies perfected, the film industry as we it is going to collapse in a way that will make the Covid years seem like the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Old Hollywood is already coming apart... but user-generated AI movies on demand will do to Hollywood what Napster did to the music industry.

Yes once ai becomes perfected you can kiss the movie industry good bye. I’m serious some of the ai videos look way too good. There’s no stopping someone from making a whole movie just from ai. Scary times.

AI video is nowhere near ready to be a movie.
just doing a 5 minute clip takes like 2 hours, ( a good one)
and from scene to scene things will look different . you can have the best ai clip but the next one will have characters that look different
but music videos are finished

Most of my work is actually TV rather than features. I selfishly hope the industry at least holds together another decade or so. At any rate, there's only so much I can worry about things out of my control.

what's your job? editing?
Of course it's nowhere near ready....but it IS coming. And it will change...EVERYTHING.

Look at the "Will Smith Eating Spaghetti" video and then look at what they can make just a year later.

My nephew is five. He already has no concept of "broadcast" television. TV is just this thing you turn on and then you have infinite choices at your fingertips.

Kids born today aren't going to have a concept of what "making a movie" means.

"Wait, you're saying you had to get a bunch of people together in the SAME room, with costumes, and they had to act things out? Why?? That's ridiculous!"
Yeah... future filmmaking -- not all, but much -- will be more like animation... artists may look at it like painting.

A single person will be able to make a movie, just like a single person can write a book. It will be the "new visual novels" of a future generation. The new graphic novel. And its not that far away. 10-20 years.
AI video is nowhere near ready to be a movie.
just doing a 5 minute clip takes like 2 hours, ( a good one)
and from scene to scene things will look different . you can have the best ai clip but the next one will have characters that look different
but music videos are finished

what's your job? editing?

  • Non-union: art direction, production design. Very small productions.
  • Union: set dec (below the line, grunt work) but working into yet a different union for set design. To be honest I prefer the grunt work for the physicality, but it's hard on the body as you grow older so I need that contingency plan.
I haven't done a non-union gig in years, but it's an unstable profession so never say never.
  • Non-union: art direction, production design. Very small productions.
  • Union: set dec (below the line, grunt work) but working into yet a different union for set design. To be honest I prefer the grunt work for the physicality, but it's hard on the body as you grow older so I need that contingency plan.
I haven't done a non-union gig in years, but it's an unstable profession so never say never.

did CGI ever hurt that set design job stuff ?
ai will probably end up being like CGI.