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  1. ALittle2Extreme

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    You dare to put Wesker's coat on raiden? BLASPHEMY!:mad:
  2. ALittle2Extreme

    The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

    Don't make me change my mind.:lol
  3. ALittle2Extreme

    The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

    This game will be the only reason for me to turn my 360 back on in the past 10 months.:):dunno:)
  4. ALittle2Extreme

    Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

    Re: Batman: Arkham City Good to hear about the Robin release later on. I pre-ordered this on May 12, 2010 from Amazon, and i'll have to pay $46.54 shipped with release date delivery included. :)
  5. ALittle2Extreme

    Street Fighter X Tekken

    Dudley/Steve Jin/Ryu OR DIE
  6. ALittle2Extreme

    Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

    Re: Batman: Arkham City I wish this game had Man Bat. They could've had a scene where you chase Man bat in the air while doing air gliding through the streets. He would look quite hideous and intimidating in the arkham world.
  7. ALittle2Extreme

    Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

    This game needs less Megaman, and more CAPTAIN PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lecture
  8. ALittle2Extreme

    Dead Island

    WHO DO YOU VOODOO B!+CH!!!! :rotfl
  9. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

    Quick question. Does Stan Lee get all this stuff free if he wants it?
  10. ALittle2Extreme

    Street Fighter X Tekken

    DUDLEY or GTFO Dudley/Steve Fox Tag Team NOW!:mad:
  11. ALittle2Extreme

    Who wants a 1:1 Burton Batmobile? With Jet Engine too!

    Re: would you buy it if you had money to burn?? Hmm...................SHOW ME THE CARFAX :lol
  12. ALittle2Extreme

    The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

    Re: The Dark Knight Rises He is, and he's playing this too
  13. ALittle2Extreme

    The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

    Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread I hate Hulk and Hawkeye as members so who cares? The whole concept of the Avengers is fan pandering. They're throwing many of Marvels "secondary top" dogs into one movie. None of the characters actually need to share movies in the first...
  14. ALittle2Extreme

    Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

    Whoa WOW :rotfl Can you imagine the amazing DLC! Guess what the DLC will be!!!!! MEGA MAN :lol $4.99 for 2 "New" Mega Mans that are just like the other 40 and the boss :rotfl Now that my friend is a win/WIN situation:lol
  15. ALittle2Extreme

    Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

    I've got a great deal for you! How about they put Mega Man on it and take everyone else already on it off :lol. That way it'll be Mega Man vs. Mega Man for 6 rounds. THEN!!!!!!!! you'll fight the games ultimate boss!....MEGA MAN :rotfl
  16. ALittle2Extreme

    Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

    i'm pretty sure they'll give him a crappy zangief outfit, since Zangief has haggars outfit as an alternate on SF4
  17. ALittle2Extreme

    The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

    Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread Thanks for nothing Sony and Fox. You know what would make this series 2X better?
  18. ALittle2Extreme

    Hot Toys – MMS151 - Spider-Man 3: 1/6th scale New Goblin Official Specs and Pics

    So you want the power ranger instead of the snow boarder huh? Okay :), but i'll certainly not sit on the sidelines for this.
  19. ALittle2Extreme

    The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

    Re: The Amazing Spider-Man ...and Captain Planet will be the main villian...