Hot Toys – MMS151 - Spider-Man 3: 1/6th scale New Goblin Official Specs and Pics

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I think this will be a sleeper, once sold out people will be crying they want it cause they sat on the fence.

Doesn't everyone say that about every HT figure?

I DO NOT want a figure of the craptastic New Goblin, nor will I ever. He's impressive as a figure, but not as a character IMO. But for those of you who like him, congrats!
Venom coulda easily taken that spot had he been developed well and had more screentime.
Doesn't everyone say that about every HT figure?

I DO NOT want a figure of the craptastic New Goblin, nor will I ever. He's impressive as a figure, but not as a character IMO. But for those of you who like him, congrats!

Of course no one says that about every HT figures. No one calls IM,Bats, Depp, Supes, and all the Preds sleeper. Only the ones that was meh but turned out great inhand and the ones HT produces few of.
Recent examples are MKI, Blade, Wolverine, and Godfather.
I just noticed I dont have any Marvel villain in my HT collection. Still unsure if this should be the first one.
Of course no one says that about every HT figures. No one calls IM,Bats, Depp, Supes, and all the Preds sleeper. Only the ones that was meh but turned out great inhand and the ones HT produces few of.
Recent examples are MKI, Blade, Wolverine, and Godfather.

True, I should have phrased that better. Doesn't everyone say that about the less popular figures?
I cant consider Rorschach a villain. no way.

Same, I don't consider villains ACTUAL "villains" in movies if I feel for them :goodpost:

For example, I didn't feel for Red Skull in Captain America, therefore he was a villain to me :)
Review by Roscoe0583.:)

[ame=""]Hot Toys New Goblin Review - YouTube[/ame]
ok... got to ask, how in the hell is Rorschach a villain?

He's the hero!

Yeah, but more like an anti-hero.

He's the closest to a moral grey character (READ: real) you're going to find in Moore's work. He's both the narrator and the reader's conscience.

He's the glue that holds the tale together, and in the end his is the sacrifice that allows the world to hold together -- his death maintains the lie. Ever read any Conrad?

Time Waits For No One, eh?

Rorschach is one of the best super/anti heros ever. His story is so dark and gritty yet he is a character that I felt sorry for
Rorschach is one of the best super/anti heros ever.


But isn't this a Goblin/Spidey thread?:monkey1


Hot Toys is so amazing they made me get interest in a horrible character just because their figure looks so cool.
Hot Toys is so amazing they made me get interest in a horrible character just because their figure looks so cool.

I totally agree and I finally caved in, sent an email to my local toy shop boss to preorder this New Goblin figure...he will look terrific next to Spiderman for sure.