Sneak Peek No.03 for our first upcoming DC comics Museum Masterline 1/2 Scale Series.
More information will come very soon. Please stay tuned!
Photoshopped together.
Sneak Peek No.03 for our first upcoming DC comics Museum Masterline 1/2 Scale Series.
More information will come very soon. Please stay tuned!
The likeness is there but I'm surprised he made the bottom lip that big. Will wait until the full reveal but it looks too inflated in that teaser.
Might be the shadow making it look bigger than it is but you can compare it to his 1/4 version.
Just shows how accurate the EB sculpt is, not perfect, but very close. I have a feeling sculpted hair won't translate all that great at this scale. I think rooted hair would take it to a whole new level.
I always thought EB's sculpt looked great. It was just a bit too long. Had they squished it down a bit, added some rooted hair, it would have been pretty spot on.
I think this sculpt will be pretty close to EB but with all the minor details fixed.
Here's one of EB Joker sculpt repainted and haired by Jacob. Just shows of nice the sculpt actually is.
Not saying it isn't there, just saying it looks similar to EB Joker, or to put it another way the EB looks nearly as perfect as this one.
That was the point I was trying to make.
Apart from the skinny long head shape, the tip of nose droops down too low like a witch's nose (noticeable when you tilt the head down) and the eyes and brow shape are inaccurate. So while core likeness is good it is still far from perfect, so not even fixing up the shape of the head would make it look spot on, as evidenced by Zack's (MRM) EB resculpts. That being said, it would still look close but no where near spot, mainly because of the eyes, they are just too small and deep set, similar to eyes on the MJ sculpt.
Well I wouldn't call the shape of the head a minor detail, because of the shape, this sculpt can go from looking like the Crow to looking like Ledger (provided of course that is painted similar to Jacobs in that there is less make up on there). So the head shape can make this look like a different person when painted a certain way, the less make up there is, the more it looks like Ledger, the more make up there is, the more it looks like the Crow.
I messaged Adam Gu asking him how much he was charging for that 1/4 headsculpt. He made very few, around four or something like that. He said another buyer had purchased one for $7000, (seven thousand american dollars) and specifically made Adam promise not to sell the other ones for any less. I'm being absolutely dead serious. $7000.
I lost respect in Adam when he openly said he didn't like cashing in on unlicensed scukpts. Then proceeded to sell limited 1/6 commissions for mad money.
That plus he turned HT down. Go figure.
I messaged Adam Gu asking him how much he was charging for that 1/4 headsculpt. He made very few, around four or something like that. He said another buyer had purchased one for $7000, (seven thousand american dollars) and specifically made Adam promise not to sell the other ones for any less. I'm being absolutely dead serious. $7000.
I lost respect in Adam when he openly said he didn't like cashing in on unlicensed scukpts. Then proceeded to sell limited 1/6 commissions for mad money.
That plus he turned HT down. Go figure.
I messaged Adam Gu asking him how much he was charging for that 1/4 headsculpt. He made very few, around four or something like that. He said another buyer had purchased one for $7000, (seven thousand american dollars) and specifically made Adam promise not to sell the other ones for any less. I'm being absolutely dead serious. $7000.
I messaged Adam Gu asking him how much he was charging for that 1/4 headsculpt. He made very few, around four or something like that. He said another buyer had purchased one for $7000, (seven thousand american dollars) and specifically made Adam promise not to sell the other ones for any less. I'm being absolutely dead serious. $7000.
How do you contact him? I dropped few emails never got any return from him
I lost respect in Adam when he openly said he didn't like cashing in on unlicensed scukpts. Then proceeded to sell limited 1/6 commissions for mad money.
That plus he turned HT down. Go figure.
I might be wrong but I think when this was brought up, he left here soon after. Again not 100% sure but I remember something like that.
I dont know about losing respect. If people are willing to pay that kind of money and obviously some are, I say good luck to him.
He is a super talented guy thats for sure.
What year was this? The reason I ask is because he posted his 1/4 Bale cowl sculpt for the QS001 back in 2013, so he was still active then.
Yeah it is not his fault really, it is the people that are willing to pay that amount, so because there are people willing to pay that amount he figures he can charge what he likes. They are the ones that drive up the prices.
Wow that is nearly double what people that buy from him quoted me and I thought that price was price was totally insane. What is more insane is that people will pay that just for a 1/4 head and about half that for a 1/6th head. If I am going to spend thousands of dollars on a collectable it better be a full figure or life size bust. Not a head for a toy action figure. I much rather buy this statue (even if is mass produced) than spend money on a 1/6th toy head that handmade by the original artist. I just think this statue is more value for money.
I lost respect in Adam when he openly said he didn't like cashing in on unlicensed scukpts. Then proceeded to sell limited 1/6 commissions for mad money.
That plus he turned HT down. Go figure.
Im not to sure but it would have been around that time I think. Again im not 100% sure but I remeber something to that effect.
Me personally in my situation, I could never pay that. But hey, good luck to anyone that wants his work and good luck to the artist.
I remember that. If I recall correctly, he apologized cause he realized that selling unlicensed sculpt is wrong, and that he won't do it again and that he would do things the right way from now on.
Then months after that, we see his joker again, and find out he doubled the price.
You talking about his 1/4 one in the link below?