Super Freak
We agree on something? Armageddon is near.
How I feel when myself or Mag agree with Nam
We agree on something? Armageddon is near.
How I feel when myself or Mag agree with Nam
What so lame about it ?
its lame becuase they gotta go and take EB customers. The only reason why they are doing it because EB is doing it. Enterbay gotta eat too!!
This announcement doesn't surprise me at all. I expected TDKR line and I expected Hot Toys to compete with Enterbay.
I don't agree with the latter though. They could have left the 1/4 scale to Enterbay and focused their efforts on their 1/6 scale. It's quite obvious the only reason Hot Toys is doing this is because of the Enterbay 1/4 Terminator and their new TDK line. I like Hot Toys but they can go ____ themselves. It's not like they'd lose any customers if they just let Enterbay do their thing. We're talking about two completely different scales here. Hot Toys didn't need to venture in with 1/4 crap and I'm positive they don't have the time and energy for it (look at all the stuff they're releasing).
In the coming months I expect to buy a few more Batman figures/vehicles from both companies, from both licenses (Burton and Nolan). This will no doubt price me out of the hobby and I'll have to quit eventually.
This will be the end of the $200 or less figure and we'll start seeing higher and higher prices. Things will hit a plateau and then the bubble will burst with unhappy employees and collectors. By that point though, I think everyone in the end will have had a good run and a nice collection/profit to boot.
Business 101.
If Enterbay were worth their weight in gold, they wouldn't have to worry. Unfortunately, that huge gap in quality between prototype and production practically sells the HT stuff on it's own.
Benefits of a classical education.
I agreed, EB needs to step up but HT is greedy! HT want to monopolizes the 1/6 and the 1/4.
1/4 tumbler
1/4 tumbler
Next announcement by Hot Toys.
We now enter low-end figure production. Fans be excited for new 7" figures from Hot Toys in all toys'r'us, Walmart and Target stores. Bye bye NECA.
Next announcement by Hot Toys.
We now enter low-end figure production. Fans be excited for new 7" figures from Hot Toys in all toys'r'us, Walmart and Target stores. Bye bye NECA.
Well considering some of the less than stellar 1/6th releases and the crazy delays, not to mention the questionable QC, I think HT should fix their own 1/6th business before jumping in to try and steal EBs 1/4 thunder.