Excellent new sig by the way.
Shoulder pads aren't smaller in proportion, just that they fit trimmer to the figure. At this point the trailers screen caps and promo photos are what I'm looking at. If you have some good reference please post it. The reference is pretty scarce right now.
Both the 1/6th and 1/4 scale are awesome. I'm just trying to define the differences between the two.
Great comparison photo
I think the color on the 1/4 is much better also, it looks like it does in the trailer, where as the 1/6 looks too glossy or bright. They did the same with Caps shield, too bright
You mean these pics?Have you seen the latest pics of caps shield? The figure one? I posted about it on the cap thread. It's been changed..
If I have the facts wrong on the 1/4 figure comparison, let me know and I'll update the comparison as the thread goes on. I think the bigger 1/4 scale figure was photo'd from an angle that makes the collar area look smaller, but maybe the pads are too trim to the figure??
The Budget Stark Video on the 1/4 scale prototype shows the pads better.
It does look like the pads move up depending upon the pose. Here's another HT promo image of the 1/4 scale. I wonder how much they tweak it before final production from this concept shown at the Asia show? Wonder if Budget Stark know the answer?
The detail is gorgeous but for the money and size I will have to limit any 1/4 purchases to really iconic, favorite armors. 43 might be that but that'll depend entirely on the film at this point. If it was a 42 version I would be sold on it immediately, as I am the only person on earth who loves the Mark 42.
As for being right or not....that depends what your comparing it to. Each suit on the movie has multiple versions that appear on screen. The full cgi stuff. The fill in cgi (RDJ in the suit but parts still added in cgi)..the stunt suit. A hero display suit. And the cgi files evolve during production and post production. So what you see in the movie could be ten different versions of the mk43 (ol same for the mk3,4,5,6,7 ect).
I prefer the red to be dominant rather than the gold…seems more classic, but the 43 is so close to the 42. Both are really nice.
I like the industrial design and details of the 43 over *gasp* the Mark IV, which was my previous favorite.
Look at these side by side. The suit and Hot Toys have evolved to very nice level.