I would love to see someone resculpt the hair on the existing head.Absolutely agreed. I had that exact thought about Hardy's face today changing. Sometimes he looks rough like in your above pic and sometimes he's practically baby faced like the one below. Vts def captures the baby face and af more captures the rough look. The hair being messed up would've improved it dramatically
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After being on the fence (ouch!) I went ahead and pulled the trigger on this guy. I thought I waited too long but found one on ebay for $150 shipped which isn't too bad. I'm no FR expert by any stretch but the AF passes the eye-ball test so far as how accurate the outfit looks compared to VTS, less the head sculpt of course. So when VTS comes out, I'll just buy that head and maybe buy the basic outfit to construct his metal facemask look. No sense in buying two complete figures of this guy from two different companies.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the backpack on.
i bought a body & clothes to make a T1 resistance fighter, they really look beautiful and already look like made from garbage. really nice.The outfit and accessories are quite impressive, especially for the price.
The outfit and accessories are quite impressive, especially for the price. Are they that much better to VTS's?
It's generally accepted that this art figures version has more accurate weathering and coloring for the outfit. The vts version is generally considered to have a stronger head sculpt. In the end l'll probably be happy to own both actually. I love it when companies compete and instead of getting one inferior product and one superior one we get two distinct and worthwhile figures. The one thing I'll say is that likeness the vts figure has makes it more of a legal liability that could complicate it's release, whereas I think it would take some doing to sue art figures since the likeness is so stylized. This could be a big reason why af tends to stylize likeness. Heck even their Dredd figure was literally called "artistic interpretation" right on the box. You don't get more legally defensive than that lol
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