1:6 Commander Gree Product Page Up!

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I emailed every address I could find for SS employees and begged them to fix Gree's colors. I attached photos too.

Of all the emails sent I got one reply saying basically "Thanks. I'll pass it along".

Please for the love of all that's holy - fix this figure!
I emailed every address I could find for SS employees and begged them to fix Gree's colors. I attached photos too.

Of all the emails sent I got one reply saying basically "Thanks. I'll pass it along".

Please for the love of all that's holy - fix this figure!

Whoa, we have to thank you for your commitment to get their attention that way, sir!:) I hope they will change and make the paint similar to the screen version.
Keep sending those e-mails, soonersean
That yellow is just ridiculous. I was all set to buy this guy too.. :slap

There's still time for corrections though, but how likely is that?
I'll still get him because he's one of the Commanders, but like everyone else I'm just curious why the extra yellow in the paint scheme particularly on the product pics.
Curious if anyone attended SDCC and had the chance to get an answer from anyone at SS as to why they came up with this scheme.

I could see trying to simplify the paint job for mass production - but why not just green and brown or two shades of green. Where in the heck did they come up with yellow???

And doesn't LFL have sign off? Why would anyone in their licensing dept approve yellow???

Just curious if there's some reason like Attakus having some kind of exclusive or something and there being a reason why someone would come up with a paint scheme that doesn't match anything shown in Revenge of the Sith or any previous releases of Gree merchandise.
Anyone with skills using an airbrush want to make a little $$$? I'll need someone to fix my Gree as the yellow is just brutally unacceptable. Happy to pay someone to paint my forearm and thigh armor.
I tried to look for the best quality pic of Gree I could find to get a good look at the paint. I came across this, and even thought it's his back, it really shows how off Sideshow is.
There's yellowish tints... but it's a green/yellow. SS somehow came up with a Afrika Korps mustard yellow. Did Gree answer to Rommel?
Who says that pic is right? He is CGI so really don't know if that official or what, only a screen capture would be accurate.
His armor was green in the movie... definitely not mustard yellow and brown.

There's a reason Hasbro, Attakus, etc. have done green armor. Heck even his bobblehead is green.

Here's a similar picture from the front - since this comes from LFL and is a reference for the version shown in the film it should serve as the basis for his paint job. As you can see - way more green and no where near as striking a difference between the top/body armor and the forearms/thighs.

The Phase I Gree was different from head to toe. They'd have to do a completely different figure (which they very well might.)

Welcome to the boards, btw.
I wish they at least attempted to make one, but I guess Sideshow is known for being incredibly accurate/realistic. Oh well, I guess I can just spend the money on Grievous or Boba!

And thanks! I recently started collecting, and I was plowing through Hasbro's vintage collection line. Finally clicked on a Sideshow review video by theflyguy and sithlord229 on youtube after seeing stunning images from ComicCon'11. Once I realized they were super articulated and had a ton of accessories/hands/heads, I got hooked... and now have a Bly pre-ordered, and a Rex and Cody on the way. :yess:

Now I just have to hope they consider making a Jango and a Dooku while remaking Vader.