Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker
But will they make it? I mean poor old Colin's not exactly the most popular Doctor is he?
Haha, I agree that he might not be their first choice, due to popularity, but I'm a Colin fan and it'd be one I'd love to see. That costume on the shelf in sixth scale would sure be eye-catching!
Also, Big Chief should do the living Doctors while they can. If they want the special autographed editions, approved by the actors, then they should get busy.
I don't want to be gloomy, but Colin is 70, Sylvester is 70, Peter Davison is 62. None of them are old, exactly, especially not Davison, and I hope we see them all wowing us at conventions for twenty more years, Stan Lee style, but they are all at the age when sudden changes of fortune health-wise are not unheard of (touch wood). Don't leave a Colin figure till last, ten years down the track. Do Colin and Sylvester figures now, so the genuine articles can gurn in photos with their miniature selves and autograph a bunch.
Also, they both got a bit of a raw deal in their runs and tend to be the butt of 'classic Doctor Who was silly' clip-show-type jokes, so it is always nice to remind them that they are appreciated by the fanbase too!
Colin didn't always have the best writing or production values, but he was and is a great doc, and does good work in Big Finish! And, as people say, many still have a few beloved stories from his era. Mine 'Vengeance on Varos'.
The exercise bike accessory could be a bit cumbersome, though. You could have an orange wig to put on your Sylvester figure for a regeneration scene!